Economics and enterprise management - course 150,000 rubles. from HSE, training 6 months, date of April 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
Additional professional education programs are practice-oriented and allow you to develop in a shorter period of time (from several weeks to two years) acquire a new profession, acquire current professional and managerial competencies or expand your knowledge in a particular subject areas.
The following are allowed to master additional professional programs:
- Persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
- Persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.
Learning Objectives
1 Move to a new level of professional development
2 Meet the rapidly changing demands of the market and social environment
3 Become a successful business manager
4 Satisfy educational needs in various fields of economics, science, culture and art
Further education programs
Advanced training programs
Increasing professional level within the framework of existing qualifications and (or) improving and (or) obtaining new competence necessary for professional activities
- From 16 academic hours
- Certificate of advanced training
- For persons who have (or are completing) higher or secondary vocational education
Professional retraining programs
To obtain the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity
- From 250 academic hours
- Diploma of professional retraining, with the right to conduct new professional activities
- For persons who have (or are completing) higher or secondary vocational education
Professional retraining programs to obtain additional qualifications
- For persons who have or are receiving higher or secondary vocational education and at least 3 years of work experience in a managerial position
Professional retraining programs to obtain additional qualifications in the field of management “Master of Business Administration” (MBA - Master of Business Administration)", including for senior managers (EMBA - Executive Master of Business Administration)
- From 2040 academic hours
- Diploma of professional retraining, with additional qualification “Master of Business Administration”
Professional retraining programs to obtain additional qualifications in a specific professional field "Master in...", including for senior managers (Executive Master in…)
- From 2040 academic hours
- Diploma of professional retraining, with additional qualifications
Doctor of... programs
Professional retraining programs to obtain additional qualifications for professional degrees, in particular Doctor business administration (DBA - Doctor of Business Administration), Doctor of Law (Doctor of Law), Doctor of Education (Doctor of Education) and others degrees
- From 2040 academic hours
- Diploma of professional retraining, awarding a professional degree
- For persons with higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in a managerial position
Sound artist, musician, teacher, sound engineer, software developer.
State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art, sound engineer.
Incomplete higher education, Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM)
Professional activity
2014 - 2022 Moscow Studio of Experimental Sound and Multimedia Technologies
2019-2022 Moscow School of Music. Teacher.
2020-2022 School named after. A. Rodchenko. Teacher.
2020-2022 National Research University Higher School of Economics, profile Sound art and sound design. Teacher.
Exhibition Awards
— Finalist of the sound art competition Radical dB 2014 (Zaragoza, Spain)
- Special mention to the 9th Festival International De La Imagen (Manizales, Colombia)
— 4th Pure Data convention, Weimar, Germany
— INTER-FACE, International Conference of Live Interfaces, Lisbon, Portugal
— ISSTA Festival and Conference on Sound, Ireland
— “Sequence of numbers and sounds: how algorithms write music under human guidance” Theories and Practices, 2019
“In the future, we won’t listen to the same thing twice. And here’s why” Poster Daily, 2019
— “Notes for the theory of sound”
PIKSEL[X] (Norway), “Prepared Environments” (Moscow), LPM 2013 (South Africa), Electric Nights (Greece), FILE SP 2014 (Brazil), (h) ear XL II (Netherlands), The Engine Room (UK), ArsenalElectronica (Austria), MADATAC 07 (Spain), OUA Electroacoustic Music Festival 2017 (Japan), Synthposium 5 (Moscow), Audioblast (France).
Program manager, Ph.D., chief expert of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg.
Systematic approach to management. External environment and internal elements of the enterprise system. Interest groups. Life cycle of a company (according to Adizes). Management styles. Relationship with life cycle phases. Company structures and systems. Evolution of structures in the life cycle of a company.
Functions of managers in an organization. Hierarchy of goals and leadership. Sources and distribution of power in the organization. Management cycle. Forms and methods of control.
Behavior of people in an organization. Constructive and destructive behavior. Employee needs. Behavior management.
Skills in formulating goals and objectives. Short and medium term planning skills. Organization of the task execution process. Execution control tools.
Rational decision making skills. Problem situation analysis tools. Development and analysis of alternatives. Decision making in a team.
A project as a set of processes. Differences between project management and regular management. Technologies for assessing and selecting projects. Phases and “gates” of the project. Project initiation. Project planning. Approaches to planning and project management. Project implementation management. Closing the project.
The enterprise as the central subject of a market economy. Fixed assets of an enterprise (organization). Working capital of an enterprise (organization). Enterprise labor resources. Financial resources and performance results of the enterprise (organization). Management of the current activities of the enterprise (organization). Sources and methods of enterprise (organization) development. Fundamentals of analytical activities in an enterprise. Analysis of the financial stability and solvency of the enterprise (organization).
The essence and functions of the organization’s finances. Sources of financing for the organization. Formation of income, expenses and profit of the organization. Long-term financing models. Short-term financing models.
Principles of construction of financial accounting. Cash accounting. Accounting for current settlements with debtors and creditors. Payroll accounting. Accounting for fixed assets. Accounting for inventories. Cost accounting. Accounting for income and financial results. Accounting financial statements.
Basic parameters of the company's functioning. Resource assessment. In-house assessment of product results. Problems of assessing the results of a company's functioning. Basic models of operational controlling. Basic schemes and models of strategic and innovative controlling. Characteristics of the management control process. Fundamentals of organizing controlling.
The concept of an investment project. Business plan for the project. Static and dynamic parameters for project evaluation. Comparative analysis of project evaluation criteria. Estimating projects with unequal deadlines. Temporal and spatial optimization. Project assessment under conditions of uncertainty and risk.
Marketing: essence, evolution of the concept and modern development trends. Market segmentation. Selection of target segments. Product positioning. Marketing research. Marketing information system. Consumer behavior. Product policy and innovative product development. Price policy. Sales policy of the organization. Marketing communications.
Operational (production and logistics) system of the enterprise. Operating system performance criteria. Operational planning of operations. Push and pull planning. Japanese approach to the operating system. Lean and 6 Sigma. Goldratt's Theory of Constraints. Finding and eliminating bottlenecks. Operational strategies of the enterprise. Kaizen principles of continuous improvement.
Subjects of economic law. Legal status of a commercial organization. Legal regulation of exchange trading. Property rights in economic legal relations. Law of obligations in economic legal relations. Concept, types and form of transactions. General provisions of the contract. Main types of contracts in economic activities. Resolution of disputes arising from economic activities.
Concept of communication. Types and methods of communication. Manipulation, game, legal communication. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Customization for the client. Client-oriented approach. Argumentation and counterargumentation. Work with objections. Correct structure of a business conversation. Mistakes during negotiations. Rules for preparing a public speech: structure, logic of presentation, taking into account the audience, argumentation, creating slides. Practical techniques for public speaking: speech, gestures, timing, answering questions.
The basic concept of business value. Income approach to business valuation. Calculation of business value using the income capitalization model. Comparative approach to business valuation. Cost-based approach to business valuation. Real options model.
The concept of digital economy. New opportunities for creating business models. Marketplace and Uberization model. Model capabilities, taking into account consequences. Digital industry platforms. Conditions for success in working with platforms.
St. Petersburg, st. Union of Printers, 16
Depending on the specifics of the business and the subject of the agreement (contract), economic security has its own characteristics. It is important for the company, and it must be ensured at all stages, from the selection of counterparties to the claim work. The tasks of economic security are solved not only by the security service - these tasks fall on the shoulders of many company officials: risk managers, lawyers, auditors, compliance managers and others executives. The seminar will be of interest to everyone who is entrusted with the tasks of economic security as an integral part of the business protection system. At the seminar you will consider practical solutions to protect contract work from threats and economic risks, both external and internal. Also, the participants of the seminar will be offered ready-made algorithms of actions and forms (samples) of the necessary regulatory documents. The course content may be adjusted taking into account the current economic situation. All issues are considered in the context of emergency circumstances, including those caused by international sanctions.
Advanced training (68 hours). Process and operations management. Computer techologies. Advanced training program in process management to optimize the organization's performance. You will study the AnyLogic simulation environment, conduct experiments on a simulation model, learn to analyze metrics and improve company management.