What will change in laws from December 2023
Miscellaneous / / December 09, 2023
LGBT is recognized as an extremist movement, some citizens will be asked to surrender their passports.
LGBT is now an extremist movement
November 30 Supreme Court of the Russian Federation admitted extremist "international LGBT movement". What this means is unclear: the Ministry of Justice, which initiated the consideration of the case, did not determine what kind of movement it is, what it does and who is included in it, and the meeting itself was held behind closed doors. However, the activities of the “international LGBT movement” in Russia are now prohibited.
The consequences of such a decision are also unclear, since there are no specifics, but it is obvious that nothing good can be expected. Not long ago, the law on LGBT propaganda was tightened, for which laid down administrative responsibility. What is considered propaganda, no one still knows for sure, so TV channels, for example, are playing it safe and repaint rainbow in clips in black and white. But extremism already entails criminal liability. And not only actions that are considered extremist by law enforcement agencies are punished, but also justification of extremism.
Registration on Russian sites - only through Russian services
Typically, sites offer new users several methods of authorization, for example, using a social network account or Google account. From December 1 to enter the Russian website will be required data from a Russian service, or at least one, more than 50% of which is under Russian control. It can be:
- local phone number;
- account on “Government services”;
- data from the Unified Biometric System;
- accounts for sites like VK or Mail.ru.
According to legislators, this is necessary to protect Personal Information Russians from foreign companies, and also to more effectively track user actions on the Internet.
However, the norm should not apply to old accounts yet. In addition, a transition period is provided until 2025, during which site owners need to adapt to the new rules.
If you are prohibited from traveling abroad, you will have to surrender your passport
From December 11, citizens who have received a ban on traveling abroad must will hand over their passport to the authority due to which the restriction was imposed. For example, to bailiffs, if it is related to a debt, or to an employer, if the reason is access to state secrets. To hand over a document, a person is given five days from the date of receipt of the ban.
If this is not done, in some cases passport declared invalid, this mainly concerns those who have access to state secrets. The rest will have a valid passport, but they may still not be allowed to go abroad with it if the person’s data is entered into the border guards’ database.
A travel ban can be obtained for various reasons: if a person has debts, he evades military service service, is suspected of or convicted of a crime, or if his work is related to government secrets.
Doctors, programmers and journalists will be given citizenship in a simplified manner
Representatives of a certain list professions can apply for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. The list is quite long and includes doctors and paramedical personnel, agricultural specialists - from veterinarians to agronomists, geologists, nuclear scientists, IT specialists, media workers, builders, electricians, financial directors.
In addition, foreigners - representatives of these professions and should be hired will simpler, since quotas do not apply to them.
- What you should delete from social networks to avoid problems with the law
- How to obtain a Russian citizen passport
- What threatens the new law on accomplices of foreign agents?
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