The reasons that you are dismissed from your job in 2013
Tips / / December 19, 2019
This article is a translation of an article written on TechCrunch. Editorial Layfhakera shares the view of the author of 100%! Author: james Altucher - author, investor and the programmer, a serial entrepreneur. His most recent books - I Was Blind But Now I See and 40 Alternatives to College. His twitter - @jaltucher.
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People read TechCrunch because they want to create something, they do not want to follow the orders of a lifetime and want financial freedom. Let's be honest. These three points seem attractive. God bless you. I hope that when you will find them, you can save them. Most people (like me), you just need a bit of a ride on a roller coaster, because we are stupid. But some people are smart.
Get what you need, it is difficult, but for reasons which I will explain below, you now have no other choice. Myths about corporate security, rise through the ranks, purchase gold watches, about getting applause from your peers, no more. Not because the economy - it's bad. And because now Innovation and the global economy is better than ever.
But do not expect a rapid effect.
You can not make money without selling something substantial. You can not do something substantial, not showing your imagination. You can not have the imagination, not indulging in the idea to create something of value to others.
And now it's too late. The course of history finally ended his next chapter. But enough to shoot the breeze. I'll tell you why you should quit your job. Why do you need to bring ideas into motion. Why do you need to build the foundation for your life, or in the near future you will not have a roof.
1) The middle class is dead. A few weeks ago I visited a friend of mine who turn their trillions of dollars. Not a joke. Trillions. If I call you a family, for which he worked, you would say: "They have a trillion? Really? "But that's what happens when the $ 10 million are under 2% over 200 years.
He said: "Look out the window." We visited all the office buildings around us. "What do you see?" - he asked. - "I dont know". "Let them! All the rooms are empty. The middle class is devastated. "And I looked. Entire floors were dark. There were floors with one or two rooms, but most were empty. "Everything is outsourced or technology took over the scribbler" - he said.
"Not all that bad", - he said. "To the upper class joined by more people than last year." But more and more people are becoming temporary employees than ever before, he said.
And now a new paradigm. The middle class is dead. The American Dream has never existed in reality. It was a marketing ploy.
And so it was. In the largest supplier of mortgage loans in the past 50 years, Fannie Mae, was the slogan: "We make the American dream a reality." It was just a marketing slogan, always. How many times I cried because of him. And then they destroyed this dream.
2) You will replace. Technology, outsourcing, the growing industry of temporary combination, productivity growth - all this has replaced the middle class. Working class. Most of the jobs that existed 20 years ago, now do not need. Perhaps they never were not needed. Throughout the first decade of this century has passed for the CEO in their Park Avenue clubs crying with a cigar in his mouth: "How do we dismiss all this dead weight?" The year 2008 finally gave them a chance. "It's the economy!" - they said. The country emerged from the decline in 2009. Four years ago. But jobs are not returned. I asked many of the CEO: You just used it as an excuse to lay off people, and they winked and said, "Let's just leave it like it is."
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I am in the company's board of directors engaged in temporary employment, with $ 600 million in revenue. I see that this is happening in all sectors of the economy. All fired. All now - just toilet paper.
In the furnace.
3) Corporations do not like you. Executive editor of the main news release invited me to lunch to ask for advice on how to increase traffic to their website. But before I could speak, he began to complain to me: "Our best writers continue to put twitter sign in his articles and then when they get more readers, they begin to ask increase. "
"So what's the problem?" I asked. - "Do not you need a popular and respected authors?"
When I say "the release of the main news" I mean the main thing.
He said, "No, we just want to make the news. We do not need stars. "
In other words, its main task is to destroy the career aspirations of the most talented people, people who have sworn allegiance to him, people who worked for him 90 hours a week. If they worked only 30 hours a week and were a little more mediocre, he would be happy. But he does not love you. He wants you to stay in its hole, and he would occasionally throw you food in exchange for your excrement. If someone is reading from a reporter and wants to contact me personally, I will tell you who it was. But in principle, they are all the same. Each of them.
4) Money is not happiness. A frequent question asked to me at least once a week in Twitter: «Do I have to get a job that I like, and I have to find a job that pays more money?".
Leaving aside the question "Should I do get a job," let's talk for a moment about the money. First, the science: research shows that wage increases yields close to zero growth "happiness" above a certain level. Why is that? Due to the simple fact that people spend all earned. If your salary increases to $ 5000 dollars you spend an additional $ 2,000 on accessories for your car, you have affairs, you buy a new computer, a sofa is more, a large TV, and then you ask, "Where are all the money gone?" Even if none of the above you do not need, you need something else: another increase in wages, so go back to the corporate casino for another turnover roulette wheel salary. I have never seen anyone put off any excess salary.
In other words, do not stay on the job for the measured salary handouts. It will never lead you to what you need - freedom from financial hassles. Only free time, imagination, creativity and the ability to go to help you create the value that no one had ever created before in human history.
5) Calculate now how many people can make an important decision that will ruin your life. I do not like when one person can make or break me. Boss. Publisher. TV producer. The buyer of my company. At one point, I would have to grovel before them. I hate this. I'll never do this again.
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The only way to avoid this situation is to diversify your activity when no one particular person - the buyer, boss or client - will not be able to accept a solution that can make you rich or destroy you, to fulfill a lifelong dream or destroy them. I understand that this will not happen in one day. Start planning the creation of their own destiny now, instead of letting the people who you do not like, to control it. When you consider, make sure that the number goes up to 20. In this case, during the rotation of the roulette wheel on the chances of winning numbers will be on your side.
6) Does your job to suit your needs? I will explain the concept of "needs" as I always do, on the basis of what I call "daily practice". Are the your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs?
The only time I got a job that suited me was when I had to work a little, and I have always been on the side of the time to write articles, start a business, or a fun pastime with friends. At other times, I was working too hard, talking to people, I did not like that constantly ruining my creativity. When you are in such circumstances, it is necessary to develop its exit strategy.
Your hands are not created in order to write notes. Or send papers via fax. Or hold the phone, talking to people you do not like. One hundred years later your hands will rot ashes in your grave. You must find the best use of those hands right now. Kiss your hands so that they can do magic.
Someone might argue, "not everyone can meet all these needs at work." It's true. But, as we already know that the salary does not make you happy, you can easily change the way of life and work to even meet more of your needs. And the more these needs are satisfied, the more you will create conditions to let in the life of true abundance.
Your life - a house. Abundance - is the roof. But the foundation and plumbing plays a primary role, otherwise the roof will fall, and the house becomes uninhabitable. You create the foundation, following daily practice. I say this not because I'm selling something, but because it works for me every time my roof collapses. My house was bombed, it was cold and scorching winds pinched my face, but I was able to build it all over again. This is my personal experience.
Another day at work
7) erase its pension plan. I do not care how much you reflect in your declaration 401k. Everything is over. The myth itself on savings disappeared. Inflation eats most of your 401k. And in order to cash in on this pension plan, you need to live a really long time, doing things that you do not like to do. And then, finally, you 80 and you live in a cave, driving a sluggish lifestyle, barely warmed the night.
The only retirement plan is to find yourself. Start a business, project, or a new way of life in which you will be able to forget about the constant thoughts about money. Some may say, "Well, I'm just not an entrepreneur."
It is not true. Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills that are necessary for you to be an entrepreneur: the ability to fail, the ability to have ideas, to promote These ideas run these ideas and be persistent so that even if you fail, you learn and move on to the next idea. Or to be an entrepreneur at work. "Wage entrepreneur». Take control of one to whom you report what you're doing, what you are creating. Or start a business on the side. Create any value, any value to anybody, for anybody, and see how this value is embedded in your career.
What other choice do you have? Staying in a job where the boss tries to pull you down, eventually will replace you, will pay as much as just enough in order to survive, will rush from compliments to insults, so that you will be caught on bait fry, while he will pull bait. Is your best choice? You and I have the same 24 hours each day. And that's how you will spend it?
8) Justification. "I'm too old." "For me there is no creativity." "I need insurance." "I have to raise a family."
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Once I was at a party. A stunningly beautiful woman came up to me and said, "James, hello, how he !?"
WHAT? Who are you?
I said, "Hello! I'm all in order. " But I had no idea who I'm talking about. Why this woman talking to me? I was too ugly. I had a few minutes to play along in a conversation to find out who she was.
It turned out that it was the old-fashioned woman who was six months ago quit her job, where we worked together. She cried, taking their belongings out of the room when she was fired. She was always disheveled and looked about 30 years older than it actually is, and at that time her life was rolling in hell.... until she realized that she got out of the zoo. In the film, George Lucas, THX-1138 (this was the name of the protagonist), each suppressed desire, and all the people live underground because the earth "radioactive". Finally THX decides that it is better to die on the ground than ever to suffer under the ground, where he was not allowed to love. He was not free.
He made my way to the ground, dodging all the guards and police. And when he got there, it was sunny. All the people on the ground are beautiful, and they are waiting for him with open arms and kisses. The preposition "but there is also radiation!" Was just to hold him down.
"Easy for you to say," - said to me a lot. "One of us has to do it!" And a beautiful woman in front of me, too, had to do it. "What are you doing now?" - I asked her. "Oh, you know," - she said. "Consulting". But some people say: "I can not just go out and advise. What does that even mean? "
To which I reply: "Yes, I agree with you." Who am I to argue? If someone insists that they should be in prison, even if the door is not locked, I'm not going to argue. They have the right to remain in prison.
9) Move shazhochkami children - this is normal. "I can not just leave!" - people say. "I have to deal with the debt." I understand. Nobody says to resign today. Before people run a marathon, they learn to crawl, then move small steps, then walk, then run. Then the train every day and maintain health. Then, run a marathon. Hell, what am I talking about? I can not run more than two miles without agony attack. I rag.
Make a list right now. Every dream. I want to be a bestselling author. I want to reduce their material needs. I want to get rid of a lot of trouble, the victims of which I have been all my life. I want to be healthy. I want to help all the people around me or people who come into my life. I want everything that I do, it was a source of help for people. I want to be around only with people whom I love and who love me. I want to have time for yourself.
THIS IS NOT A GOAL. This installation. What do I need to do every day to practice to follow these settings? It begins at the moment when I wake up "? Who can I help today," I ask the darkness when I open my eyes. "Who would you like me to help you today?" I'm a secret agent, and I'm waiting for my job. I am ready to receive. Here's how you do shazhochkami children. This is how you eventually will come running to freedom.
10) Abundance never comes from your work. Just out of prison, in which you incarcerated from birth, you can achieve abundance. You do not see it now. It is difficult to see the gardens when you are locked up in prison. Abundance comes only when you are going on your settings. When you truly improve the lives of people around.
When you wake up every day with the desire to improve. Make better your family, friends, colleagues, customers, potential customers, readers, people you do not even know, but would like to meet. Become a beacon of perfection, and then, when it begins to get dark, all the ships will move towards you, bringing their inexhaustible riches.
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Do not believe me. Stay with the boss, who hates you. With a job that keeps you in chains, enticing constant improvement in salary and career promotion. Stay in a culture that silently replaces the entire middle class. It's not anyone's fault. This tectonic plates of the economy, destroying the whole provincial culture that has continued for almost 100 years.
As long as you do not set yourself up for success and for all, that this choice entails, you will be locked up in prison. You will look into the eyes of your partner, looking for a hint of whether you he or she likes. But gradually the light will fade, the warmth of another body will grow cold, and you will once again go to sleep without dreaming in the dark.
Original via Digerati