Inception or learn how to control dreams
Tips / / December 19, 2019
On average, a person spends in his sleep about 25-30% of their lives. That is, if you live 80 years, wake you about 24 years. Just think - '24!!! Simply unforgivable to spend this time in vain. Therefore, everything that comes to sleep, still causes much debate and research on this subject has never ceased.
Accordingly, the myths surrounding this area has gathered a huge set. really sleep Do we need at least 8 hours a day, and if we can control their dreams? First - do not necessarily and not as we used to. Second - can. Want to know how?
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Before you figure out whether we are able to control their dreams, let's briefly go through the main myths about the process of sleep.
Myths and folklore about the other dreams
Myth №1. A person needs 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It is believed that a day a person should sleep at least 7-8 hours - so much need our brain and body to recuperate and prepare for in the new full working day. But... Hundreds of historical recordings made prior to the XVII century, indicate that early humans had a slightly different rhythm of sleep. It consisted of two sessions, and burst a few hours awake at night. Many experts in the field of sleep study believe that this rhythm is more natural for humans. I think many of us once woke up refreshed and ready to go in the middle of the night after just a few hours of sleep. I have this happen more than once.
The only thing I can think of, based on personal experience: Do not try to fall asleep in this state, because you still did not work. You just izvedet itself and nearby their concern. The best thing you can do - is to go and a little... work or read. Most interesting is that this is the time to come to mind the most interesting ideas. After several hours of such activity again you will want to sleep and wake up in the morning in their standard state as if these nocturnal vigils never was.
Myth №2. During sleep, the brain is at rest. Since began serious studies of sleep and states of brain activity during this period, scientists have proved that during sleep the brain is not fully deactivated and continues to work. But many people still believe that during sleep the brain is completely disconnected them, as if the switch is shifted from the "ON." To "Off.". During sleep, our brain is in four phases, which succeed each other every 90 minutes. Each phase of sleep is divided into three phases restful sleep, which is known also as "slow sleep" or "traditional sleep", which generally it is about 80% of the total time 90-minute cycle, and of REM-phase, which is characterized by the rapid movement eye. It was during this phase, we dream.
Myth №3. Teens just lazy and like to sleep late. Most teenagers sleep late and even after waking up in no hurry to get out of bed. They can be lain there all morning, without giving any sign of life. Many parents swear and say that they are just too lazy to get up. In fact, the biological clocks of teenagers working a little as adults watch.
Studies have shown that up to about 20 years in the human body produces more of the hormone melatonin (peak at 20 years) so teenagers observed increased daytime sleepiness, if they are forced to stick to the standard 8-hour chart Sleep. If you add the almost complete absence of serious social obligations, except for the date exams and cleaning their room, it turns out that their sleep is much quieter and healthier than a dream adults.
Myth №4. Dreams are filled with symbolism. And here we send greetings to my grandfather Freud, who believed that dreams (especially nightmares) are filled with symbolism and "the royal road to the unconscious". They are the mirror image of our lives and their detailed analysis can reveal all our subconscious fears, challenges, and secret desires.
In fact, the truth is that so far no one fully knows how true this theory. In one of the rather influential neurobiological theories says that the dream - is sporadic neural activity in the brain stem and the activation of a random memories that are stored in our consciousness. According to this theory, however, dreams are a consequence of the processes in the upper layers of our brain that are trying to translate the random activity in at least some serial subjective experience.
Recently, a survey was conducted among 15 people with paralysis of the lower body. In their dreams, they often see themselves back on their feet, but they see such dreams much less those who are able to walk by himself. If Freud's theory was correct at 100%, then the people with paralysis would see such dreams more often, because it is their only dream - to walk again.
Inception or control dreams
In the film "Inception" director Chris Nolan has used the idea that dreams can be controlled and "sow" with the help of controlled dreams in human consciousness certain thoughts. In fact, it's not such a fantasy, because the idea of the film was based on scientific studies that prove that lucid dreams are real.
Lucid dreaming - this is often a pleasant state of partial waking consciousness, which at the same time dreaming and can control them. This condition is most likely to occur near the end of a dream, somewhere between waking and dreams.
If you have never experienced a lucid dream experience, there are several techniques that will help you achieve this amazing state.
In the book «Control Your Dreams» Psychologist Tom Stafford and Catherine Bardsley, conscious dreamer, advise start practicing the awareness of his condition when you do not sleep, but not yet fully woke up. While this may sound rather strange, but when you learn to celebrate myself what you have wake up, that is, aware of this condition, you will learn to recognize that at the moment are in a dream.
Sudden turning off lights is a good test to determine whether you are awake or completely asleep still. Because if you're still awake, in your dream light level has not changed. Option with plucking itself is not very suitable, because you can do it like in reality and dream. If, however, you realize that he was still sleeping, try not to worry, or to quickly wake up. You need to calm down and remember this state. And every time you catch yourself on the understanding that still are in a dream, you You will approach one step closer to ensuring that fully learn to control taking place in a dream events.
I had the experience of lucid dreaming. And more than once. And it's very interesting, exciting state. When you realize that all this is a dream, but you still have not woke up, it becomes very interesting and fun. Because when you really realize it, you are able to influence the ongoing events and the fact that up to this scared the hell out of you, now it looks silly. By the way, this is a great way to deal with their fears, how far-fetched, and it is real. It seems to me that it was in such a state come to us the most interesting ideas, solving problems and insights (Bingo!), Because we can remember them clearly enough to remember when finally We wake up.