"General physics. Mechanics" - course 2800 rub. from MSU, training 15 weeks. (4 months), Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
The general course “Mechanics” is part of the general physics course. Students will become familiar with the basic mechanical phenomena and methods of their theoretical description. The lectures include video recordings of physical demonstrations of the mechanical phenomena being studied. The course structure is traditional. The course covers classical material in the course of general physics, the section “Mechanics”, taught in the first year of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in the first semester. The course will include sections “Kinematics and dynamics of a material point and the simplest systems”, “Conservation laws”, “Motion of a material point in non-inertial systems reference", "Fundamentals of relativistic mechanics", "Kinematics and dynamics of a rigid body" "Fundamentals of mechanics of deformable media", "Fundamentals of fluid mechanics and aeromechanics", "Mechanical vibrations and waves." The course is aimed at bachelors specializing in natural sciences, as well as at secondary school physics teachers and university professors. It will also be useful for schoolchildren who study physics in depth.
Form of study
Correspondence courses using distance learning technologies
B.1 Space and time in Newtonian mechanics
B.2 Reference system
Chapter 1. Kinematics and dynamics of simple systems
P.1.1. Kinematics of a material point and simplest systems
P.1.2. Newton's laws
P.1.3. Laws describing the individual properties of forces
Chapter 2. Conservation laws in the simplest systems
P.2.1. Law of conservation of momentum
P.2.2. Mechanical energy
P.2.3. Relationship between conservation laws and homogeneity of space and time
Chapter 3. Non-inertial frames of reference
P.3.1. Non-inertial reference systems. Inertia forces
P.3.2. Manifestation of inertial forces on Earth
P.3.3. Equivalence principle
Chapter 4. Fundamentals of relativistic mechanics
P.4.1. Space and time in the theory of relativity
P.4.2. Lorentz transformations
P.4.3. Consequences of Lorentz transformations
P.4.4. Interval
P.4.5. Speed addition
P.4.6. Equation of motion
P.4.7. Momentum, energy and mass in the theory of relativity
Chapter 5. Kinematics and rigid body dynamics
P.5.1. Rigid body kinematics
P.5.2. Rigid body dynamics
P.5.3. Kinetic energy of a solid
P.5.4. Gyroscopes, tops
Chapter 6. Fundamentals of mechanics of deformable bodies
P.6.1. Deformations and stresses in solids
P.6.2. Poisson's ratio
P.6.3. Relationship between Young's modulus and shear modulus
P.6.4. Energy of elastic deformations
Chapter 7. Oscillations
P.7.1. Free vibrations of systems with one degree of freedom
P.7.2. Forced vibrations
P.7.3. Addition of vibrations
P.7.4. Oscillations in coupled systems
P.7.5. Nonlinear oscillations
P.7.6. Parametric oscillations
P.7.7. Self-oscillations
Chapter 8. Waves
P.8.1. Propagation of impulse in a medium. Wave equation
P.8.2. Density and energy flow in a traveling wave. Vector Umov
P.8.3. Wave reflection, vibration modes
P.8.4. Acoustics elements
P.8.5. Shock waves
Chapter 9 Fundamentals of hydro and aeromechanics
P.9.1. Basics of hydro- and aerostatics
P.9.2. Steady flow of incompressible fluid
P.9.3. Laminar and turbulent flow. Flow of liquid or gas around bodies