“Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) relations” - course 75,000 rubles. from MSU, training 6 weeks. (1.5 months), Date: October 16, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Karelina Svetlana Alexandrovna
Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Business Law
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Karelina has been working at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University since 1993. successively in the positions of assistant (since 1994), associate professor (2001), professor (since 2009) of the department of business law.
Karelina S.A. in 1990 Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, in 1994 defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The role of cooperation in entrepreneurial activity”, and in 2009 — doctoral dissertation on the topic “The mechanism of legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) relations.”
The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is more than 27 years, and all of them are associated with the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
S.A. Karelina carries a heavy teaching load and has established herself as a highly qualified teacher. She gives the main course of lectures on business law and is one of its developers, conducts seminars on current issues of the discipline “Business Law”, including a special course “Theoretical Problems of Business Law”, “Legal Regulation of Insolvency” (bankruptcy)”, “Mechanism of legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy) relations”, “Subjective composition of insolvency relations (bankruptcy)".
S.A. Karelina is the director of the master’s program “Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)”, which is implemented at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov since 2014 This program is the only master's program in Russia in the relevant area. S.A. Karelina actively collaborates with specialists in master's programs abroad (USA, Germany, Holland). For the first time in 2015 Karelina S.A. developed and implemented at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov program additional professional education “Insolvency (bankruptcy): theory and practice law enforcement." As a result of the implementation of these scientific and educational projects, the Faculty of Law becomes a center for studying the problems of insolvency (bankruptcy) in Russia. In addition, S.A. Karelina took part in the development of the additional professional education program “Company Lawyer”.
S.A. Karelina developed an educational and methodological teaching complex for the master’s program in the direction of “Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)”, which includes the course program, educational and practical manual “Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)”, educational and methodological manual “Insolvency Institute (bankruptcy) in tables and diagrams”, training course “Insolvency (bankruptcy) in two volumes, as well as monographs and thematic collections of articles on insolvency issues (bankruptcy).
Five candidate's theses were defended under her leadership. She provides scientific supervision of coursework, diploma theses, master's theses and dissertations for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.
S.A. Karelina participates in numerous Russian and international conferences and seminars. He is the author and presenter of scientific and practical seminars on legal problems of insolvency (bankruptcy). Since 2003, under the leadership of S.A. Karelina, the Law Faculty of Moscow State University annually hosts round tables, and since 2014 - international conferences on problems of insolvency (bankruptcy), in which representatives of leading scientific and research educational institutions of Russia and foreign participate countries
S.A. Karelina pays considerable attention to scientific and methodological work. Professor S.A. Karelina is the author of more than 140 scientific publications, including in foreign languages, as well as the author of textbooks “Business Law of the Russian Federation" for higher and secondary educational institutions, "Corporate Law", educational and methodological manual "Business Law (practical course))" and a number of others publications He is the author of a number of monographs, including “The Mechanism of Legal Regulation of Insolvency Relations”, as well as “Bankruptcy of insurance organizations” and “Bankruptcy of developers: theory and practice of law enforcement” (together with I.V. Frolov). In 2019 edited by S.A. Karelina published a training course “Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” in two volumes.
Since 2010 under her leadership, a collection of scientific articles “Current problems of insolvency (bankruptcy) legislation” is published annually.
Under the leadership of S.A. Karelina was the first to implement a new form of work with students at the faculty in the form publication of a thematic collection of articles on problems of insolvency (bankruptcy), the publication of which has already become traditional.
S.A. Karelina takes an active part in interfaculty cooperation within Moscow University, in particular, she is one of the authors the textbook “Anticrisis Management” (Moscow, 2014) (together with the Faculty of Public Administration), as well as the monograph “Public Policy prices and tariffs in the Russian Federation" (Moscow, 2014) (together with the economic, sociological faculties and the faculty of public administration Moscow State University).
Under her leadership, a number of practice-oriented educational projects are being implemented with the participation of the largest companies in Russia, such as PJSC Sberbank, DC VTB, etc.
Actively participates in legislative activities. He is a member of working groups formed by the Ministry of Economic Development to improve legislation in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy), takes an active part in the development of bills in this area.
S.A. Karelina is a member of the dissertation council of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, specialty 12.00.03 (civil, business, family and international private right).
He is a member of the scientific advisory councils of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Arbitration Court of the city. Moscow, the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", the Association of Russian Banks, the expert council of the Association Russian banks, the subcommittee on anti-crisis management of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on business security activities. Member of a number of international organizations in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy).
Professor S.A. Karelina is an expert in professional and public accreditation of educational programs in the field of jurisprudence.
Member of the editorial board of the magazines “Entrepreneurial Law”, “Business. Management. Law”, “Journal of Entrepreneurial and Corporate Law”, “Gaps in Russian Legislation”.
S.A. Karelina is currently an arbitrator of the ICAC at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as an arbitrator of the Russian Arbitration Center at the Institute of Modern Arbitration.
Data on the scientific activities of S.A. Karelina in the MSU database ISTINA
Topic 1. The role and place of the institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) in the system of modern market relations.
Topic 2. Commercial and consumer bankruptcy: comparative analysis and system of basic legal structures.
Topic 3. Legal problems of initiating the insolvency (bankruptcy) process and forming a register of creditors' claims. Categories of creditors. Features of the mechanism for managing the debtor in the process of insolvency (bankruptcy).
Topic 4. Losses and damages in insolvency (bankruptcy) relations: rules for determination and recovery. Subsidiary and joint liability.
Topic 5. Arbitration manager as a special subject in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy). Self-regulatory organizations of arbitration managers.
Topic 6. Peculiarities of consideration of insolvency (bankruptcy) cases in arbitration courts. Analysis of procedural errors in insolvency (bankruptcy) cases.
Topic 7. Assessment of the debtor's financial condition: rules, criteria, mechanism and legal consequences.
Topic 8. Economic and legal mechanism for preventing insolvency (bankruptcy) and its significance for the debtor and creditors. Legal problems of identifying signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy.
Topic 9. Economic and legal mechanism for restoring the debtor's solvency. Problems of identifying the debtor's property.
Topic 10. Mechanism for challenging debtor transactions. Challenging fictitious accounts payable.
Topic 11. The procedure for selling the debtor's property during the insolvency (bankruptcy) process.
Topic 12. Electronic trading and electronic platforms: regulatory rules. Features of the sale of certain types of property.
Topic 13. Specifics and features of the processes of occurrence, repayment and termination of tax obligations in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy).
Topic 14. Bankruptcy of a citizen: signs, criteria, procedural features and conditions for releasing the debtor from obligations. Property relations of spouses in the event of bankruptcy of one of them: problems of forming a bankruptcy estate and countering illegal schemes.
Topic 15. Bankruptcy of financial organizations and their consequences for citizens and legal entities.
Topic 16. Developer bankruptcy: features of introduction and implementation, analysis of law enforcement practice.
Topic 17. Cross-border insolvency and the specifics of its application.
Topic 18. “Bankruptcy tourism” as a mechanism for the migration of debtors for personal bankruptcies.
Topic 19. Models for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of creditors and debtors in the process of insolvency (bankruptcy).
Based on the results of completing the course, students receive a certificate of advanced training on the form of M.V. Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
The final certification takes the form of a test.
G. Moscow, territory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 13