The famous quote by Woody Allen says, "80 percent of success - is the ability to appear in the right place at the right time." What if this is true, it turns out that people who consider themselves lucky, for sure They show themselves more often than those who hung on the stigma of failure and spending time at home in his bed. Can a feeling of "good luck" to become a competitive advantage?
Napoleon Bonaparte believed in this thesis. There are stories in which the question of choosing between good and successful General General Bonaparte undoubtedly replied that would choose successful.
Unlike the purchase of lottery tickets and betting on horse races, where the common man does not affect the outcome of our daily life is determined by us and our solutions. However, you can not just judge someone's decision on the results, follow this decision, because there are always factors that we do not control. A good solution can result in poor results, and bad decision can result in success. A key factor here could be a combination of logic and intuition, when both these entities are included in the process.
If we talk about design, everything is tied to the decisions. What to include in the concept and what to exclude from it? Who will be the primary audience? What features will be win-win concept, and which will be unused and rejected? You can decide on every issue, but in the end turn out to be wrong in everything.
When in the mid-nineties, Apple launched the Newton, its first personal digital assistant, the number of functions embedded in it, exceeds the capabilities of technology of the time. It was such a powerful Fail, the company completely stopped work on further development of the product. However, in the late nineties, when these technologies have become popularized, Apple realized that in fact the product could be a promising, but the time has already been lost.
When Apple Computers introduced the iMac, they have decided to exclude from the CD / DVD drive, thereby missed the opportunity profit based on selling CDs, however, the company has taken the path of the revolution and later showed the world iTunes. As a result, this solution proved to be successful.
Since its inception, the company, founded by Jobs, developed and produced nearly a hundred new products. Everyone can remember the most successful of them: Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, but there were failures: Newton PDA, iCube, Apple TV.
In 1997, Apple launched the campaign «Think Different». They tried to be valid, but it is nothing special to show. They believe in themselves and show themselves. Subsequent history you know. Tremendous efforts made by the company and each of its employees in particular, in the end paid off. Luck came to them for their work, and by 2011 Apple become one of the largest in US history.
Seneca, the Roman philosopher, once said: "Good luck - this is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." This means that our capacity is determined by how much effort we spent on our "homework" training, and those of us who feel more successful, more readily notice these capabilities.
In our turbulent times, when the predicted result is not always possible, confidence in his luck can be the inspiring motive to commit an action that eventually will turn to you success.
(via Soren Petersen)