“Chemical, biological and environmental safety” - course 21,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Program volume (academic hours): 72 hours (32 classroom hours)
Form of study: full-time, distance learning
Dates of classes: as groups are recruited (small groups, from 5 people)
Admission requirements: higher professional education or secondary specialized education
Program Manager: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel.8(495)939-22-33.
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
If necessary, the program can be adapted to the customer’s requirements - expanded, removed, or the necessary topics added to the curriculum of the additional education program
Who will benefit from this course?
Training under this program is intended for managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental control systems, for responsible persons enterprises and construction sites with experience in epidemiological, clinical diagnostic, microbiological, food, production laboratories of SES, Rospotrebnadzor, other organizations and centers dealing with quality control of natural environments, environmental monitoring, for employees acquiring new qualifications in the field of labor protection, industrial, environmental, chemical, biological safety, as well as all interested parties.
What will you learn?
As a result of mastering the program, students develop a systematic approach to solving problems related to the provision of chemical, biological and environmental safety, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and minimizing risks in enterprise. Students will gain an understanding of the most current theoretical and applied aspects of complex chemical, biological and environmental human environmental safety: modern approaches to analyzing the levels and assessing the risks of pollution of ecosystem components and objects in the sphere human activity; modern requirements for ensuring the safety of specialists when working with potentially dangerous pollutants in accordance with international requirements.
In what format does it take place?
Classes in the program are held in the form of lectures and seminars. Advanced training ends with final certification in the form of a qualifying exam. Upon successful completion of the training, students are issued a standard promotion certificate qualifications according to the profile of specialists in the field of environmental management systems security.
1 Modern ideas about the state of protection of the living environment from the effects of harmful and dangerous natural and anthropogenic factors.
1.1. Environment as a system. The atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere are the main components of the natural environment. Conditions and factors ensuring safe human life in the natural environment. Anthropogenic degradation of the biosphere.
1.2. Naturally - scientific approaches to the program and methods of ensuring environmental safety of production. Monitoring the ecological state of the environment. Environmental regulation of the content of pollutants in natural environments: principles, approaches, methods. Ecological assessment of the quality of natural environments
1.3. Technogenic systems: definition, classification. Global environmental problems. Diagnostics and effective chemical-analytical control of environmental objects.
2 The basis of the theory and methods of ensuring environmental safety of production activities
2.1 Environmental safety as a component of Russia’s national security. Types of production impacts on the environment. Environmental analysis of an industrial region. Environmental risk.
2.2. Regulatory and legal framework for environmental safety management. Standardization of environmental quality The concept of maximum permissible concentrations. Technological standards for environmental quality. Permissible exposure standards. Environmental impact assessment.
2.3. Engineering methods for ensuring environmental safety. General and specific types of influence of various types of production on the natural environment. Greening production and resource conservation.
2.4. Concepts of danger and safety; hazard classifications. Natural, man-made, environmental hazards. Dangerous industrial facilities. Environmental and technogenic safety. Dangerous natural phenomena. Risk assessment methodology.
3 Chemical and environmental safety of production in Russian industries.
3.1. Environmental safety of production in the energy industries. Main sectors of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation. Environmental monitoring in areas of development of the fuel and energy complex.
3.2. Approaches and methods to ensure environmental safety in oil-producing regions
3.3. Ensuring environmental safety in the area affected by metallurgical enterprises.
3.4. Ensuring environmental safety in the area affected by transport, mechanical engineering, chemical, light, food, construction, and printing industries.
3.5. The influence of agricultural production on agricultural landscapes. Ensuring the environmental safety of plant products in different types of agricultural landscapes and different natural zones.
3.6. Analysis of the environmental impact of municipal solid waste (MSW).
4 The place of chemical production in the concept of sustainable development.
4.1. Nature and extent of stationary and emergency chemical releases. Environmental safety management in the chemical industry. Equipment reliability
4.2. Main directions and methods of combating environmental pollution. Interrelation of environmental problems and safety of chemical production.
5 Biological pollution of the environment
5.1 Main types of global pollution of different habitats and consequences for the biological diversity of natural ecosystems
5.2 Problems of introduction and invasion of species of different groups of organisms, habitats and distribution routes
5.3. Problems of resistance of microorganisms in the human environment, GMOs
6 Basics of biological safety
6.1 Modern approaches to the taxonomy of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa)
6.2 Biological terrorism. Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction as part of the International Security System. Particularly dangerous infections.
6.3 National and international rules for ensuring biological safety when working with organisms that cause human diseases, viruses and toxins of biological origin
6.4 The spread of opportunistic and opportunistic microorganisms as a new aspect of biological pollution of ecosystems in the modern world.
6.5 Features of collecting, transporting and conducting microbiological studies of samples from objects production, food products, water, air, soil using standard techniques and equipment.
6.6 Measures and requirements to ensure sanitary and biological control and safety at biotechnological, pharmaceutical, etc. productions
6.7 Approaches to environmental assessment of the biosafety of soils and air at urban facilities
final examination - exam