Sales - free course from 4brain, training 30 days, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Already in ancient times, trade relations served as a catalyst for the formation of human civilization. Thus, cities grew at the intersections of trade routes, and active trade contributed to the development of peoples and cultural exchange between them. Over time, trade routes acquired names - from school history courses we all remember “The Great Silk Road”, “The Road from the Varangians to the Greeks”, etc.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, in order to develop sales, people began to establish rail and road connections between cities and states. Thanks to this, the supply of goods to even the most remote areas began to be established, and the lion's share of the population the planet was able to move away from the national economy, as a result of which social conditions significantly improved life.
All this suggests that the development of economic relations was largely the reason why humanity reached the current level of development. And without getting into the weeds of thinking and philosophizing, we can simply say that the ability to sell is a skill that anyone should learn a person, if he strives to improve his life, success in the professional field (mainly in the field of sales, of course), personal growth and etc.
In our free “Sales” training, we tried to include the most interesting, useful and necessary information regarding the art of sales. From it you will learn what sales is and who a professional sales manager is, what There are sales techniques, how to learn how to sell and achieve success in this matter, and many others interesting things. And later in the introduction we will talk in more detail about why this skill can be useful to each of us in life.
What is sales
Sales are a cyclical process of commercial interaction between two persons, leading to the exchange of goods and money. But it is important to keep in mind that the term “selling” can be interpreted in different ways by managers and salespeople. If in a broad sense, selling is understood as the organization of the process of selling goods and services, then in a narrower sense it represents a sequence of actions leading to the conclusion of a transaction.
Why do you need to know how to sell?
The craft of a salesperson is in great demand on the market today, but most people engage in sales only out of necessity, and not at all of their own free will. At the same time, sales skills can be useful to anyone.
If you look at it objectively, we encounter the need to sell something everywhere: we sell ourselves by meeting new people, we sell our skills and knowledge when applying for a job, we sell our ideas and proposals at friendly and business meetings, we sell goods and services, if this relates to our employment. All this is directly related to the ability to make presentations, work with objections, and close deals. That is why, knowing how to sell in principle, a person has a much greater chance of success compared to others, and it doesn’t matter what it concerns: personal life, friendship, work, business, etc.
The art of sales is a real science, but its importance in a person’s life is often underestimated. And the ability to sell itself is even more important, because the profession of a sales manager is considered one of the most in demand and highly paid around the world. In addition, the ability to sell is rightfully recognized as universal, because If a person is familiar with the principles of sales and marketing, it no longer matters to him what exactly to sell.
A competent salesperson who knows how to make cold calls, establish contacts, make presentations and persuade may not be afraid of any crises or layoffs - he will always be in great demand. In addition, a system of commercial incentives is now becoming more widespread, when the seller receives a percentage of his transactions. Therefore, knowing how to sell, a person will always be financially secure.
If we talk specifically about business, then sales skills are invaluable for managers at different stages of the life of an organization. It helps at the stage of team formation and the first stages of company development, helps attract capital as the project grows, increases turnover and increases actual sales, helps stabilize the company during the period of its scaling, and also allows the organization to exit to the stock exchange.
Thus, the ability to sell is not only necessary, but also vital for a person. And the sooner he realizes and accepts this fact, the sooner his life and well-being will begin to improve.
Sales Manager and his qualities
A sales manager can be called the face of any company. He is responsible for the presentation of the product, and for introducing the company to a potential buyer, and for negotiations, both for demonstrating the advantages of your organization, and for creating a positive attitude To her. The achievement of all this is due to the professional skills, professional and business qualities of the manager.
Manager's professional skills
One of the main professional skills of a manager is communication skills. A professional seller must be able to find a common language with interlocutors and build constructive relationships with them. But in a broader sense, this characteristic consists of a number of key points.
Communication skills for a sales manager are:
- Negotiation skills
- Knowledge of sales techniques and techniques
- Ability to win over clients and steer conversations in the right direction
- Ability to maintain constant contact with counterparties
- Knowledge of your organization’s product, the ability to present it and show the advantages and benefits of your offer
The results of all his work often depend on the professional skills of the seller. But all of them can be formed and honed only in practice and/or after undergoing special training (our sales training also applies to them). However, in any case, they will not be enough, because... You need to have certain professional qualities and develop them in yourself.
Professional qualities of a sales manager
The most important personal qualities of a sales manager include:
- Excellent knowledge of trading fundamentals and sales theory
- Experience working with people
- Experience in sales
- Availability of a wide list of contacts, client base and relationships
- Personal qualities required to work in sales
Naturally, it is quite difficult to have all these competencies, but you should always strive to have them. In addition to practice, professional literature, thematic video materials, and specialized trainings can serve as an excellent help. Using these tools with due diligence will one way or another lead to the fact that the salesperson will ideally master the methods and techniques that will increase his productivity.
Business qualities of a sales manager
This set of business qualities can be considered as a mandatory requirement for a seller, regardless of the scale of his activities. In fact, it is necessary to have them even in cases where his work is not directly related to sales, because they are universal and can be useful anytime and anywhere. These qualities are:
- Erudition and broad outlook
- Presentable appearance
- Correct oral and written language
- Ability to find common language with different people
- Personal charm and self-confidence
- Ability to resolve conflicts and find compromises
- Motivation to take action
The art of sales is available to anyone, but only when he is ready for it. And readiness just means that in terms of personal development a person has reached a level sufficient to fully master sales, i.e. corresponds to the above characteristics. This, of course, does not mean at all that someone who, for example, is not confident in himself or makes mistakes in writing, cannot begin to develop in sales. But if you understand that something needs to be improved, by all means do it. Otherwise, it’s quite possible to move on to training.
How to learn to sell
Even the most successful sales managers often say that it is impossible to find materials that would contain absolutely all the recommendations that allow you to learn how to sell well and correctly. But there are still a few key points that are most important to understanding the art of sales:
- Understand the essence of sales. It is necessary to forever understand that in the sales process between people there is a mutual exchange on conditions favorable to them. Hence the conclusion: in order for a person to buy something, it is necessary to create acceptable conditions for him. But you can sell something in several ways - immediately offer your terms or convey to the client the need to purchase your product. The first method is good, but not always effective, and for the success of the second you need to be able to win a person’s trust and offer a truly high-quality and useful product or service.
- Get rid of the fear of communication. Without being able to overcome psychological barriers, it is very difficult to achieve high results in sales. Even if you don’t like communicating with people or are afraid to make contact yourself, you need to learn to push all barriers into the background and forget about them. Understand that anyone can make cold calls, give presentations, counter objections, and sell. The main thing is to want and not give in to your fears.
- Take into account your personal characteristics. You don’t need to adapt to everyone – you need to do what seems right, taking into account advice and recommendations from others. Get to know yourself as best you can, find your strengths and weaknesses, and work as your heart tells you. Sincerity in sales is worth its weight in gold. Be yourself and people will feel it, they will feel comfortable with you, and someone who is comfortable with you is always a pleasure to deal with.
- Practice every day. It doesn't matter how much effort it takes to approach a stranger, make a call, or hold a meeting. The important thing is that you do not stand still, because with each new step your self-confidence, professionalism, motivation, and enthusiasm will grow. Fear, uncertainty, reluctance - all this is eliminated by regular and systematic practice.
- Don't get upset or worry about failures. At first, you will often encounter refusals, competing managers, cunning clients, etc. Many people give up under such pressure and stop moving forward. But there is no need to panic, despair or be upset. Failures are a natural part of acquiring any experience, and you should always perceive them as another “No” on the way to “Yes.” In addition, making mistakes is very useful, because you learn to anticipate them and not make them in the future.
- Analyze your actions. After every conversation, meeting or call, you should relive this event in your imagination. This helps to look at the situation from the outside and identify shortcomings in the work. Successes also need to be analyzed, because... This will allow you to find your strengths and identify effective techniques that you can hone and apply in the future.
- And one more thing, perhaps the most important thing: at the initial stage, try to do any work in order to gain as much experience as possible. As a salesperson, you should be passionate about your work, strive to sell better, more, more masterfully. Be open to new information and opportunities, maintain that spark within you that fills you with inspiration. Remember that if you have the desire, then everything else will soon follow: knowledge, skills, experience, clients, deals. All this is just a matter of time, but the true desire for victory is what should always guide you.
We hope we were able to cheer you up a little and strengthen your will to achieve your goals. You are now ready to begin the course. But to give you a rough idea of what you will study and learn, we offer brief overviews of each of the lessons.
Sales Lessons
While creating our free “Sales” training, we were faced with the fact that there is simply an incredible amount of information on this issue in a variety of areas. Based on this, we decided to cover the most important topics and concentrated on them. Striving for the fullest possible disclosure of the material, we have partially reworked and adapted it to make it easier to get acquainted with it and assimilate it.
Sales training consists of seven basic lessons, each of which is dedicated to its own specific area, and includes both theoretical and practical experience. Step-by-step completion of each lesson will systematically introduce you to the specifics of sales and the stages of the process. sales, so by the end of the course you will have a clear understanding of what and how to do in work. And after completing the course, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with two additional sections, but more on them later.
Lesson 1. Types and types of sales. Sales funnel
The basis of any business is mutually beneficial relationships that are built through sales. And the success of any relevant enterprise is directly related to the types and types of sales that form the foundation of the organization. Currently, the typology of sales is very extensive, and each type of sales involves its own methods of implementation.
From the first lesson you will learn about the most common types and types of sales today: active and passive, personal and impersonal, direct and indirect, regional, B2B and B2C sales, sales of goods, services and franchises. We will also talk about push-pull, conveyor and box sales and introduce you to the classic sales scheme and funnel.
Lesson 2. Sales techniques
Not a single product and not a single service, except for essential goods and services, will be sold if the sales manager does not know how to sell. What does it mean to be able to sell? This means mastering sales techniques. They influence the work of the seller, the number of transactions concluded and sales volumes. The second lesson of the course is dedicated to sales techniques.
We will talk about the classic sales algorithm 5.0, with which the work of every manager begins at the beginning of his journey, and present a general description of its five stages. Next, you will learn about what SPIN selling is, how to use this method and what impact it has on the client. Finally, you'll learn a few additional techniques.
Lesson 3. Cold sales. Cold calls
Cold selling, if mastered well, will become a powerful weapon in your sales arsenal. They are used to attract new customers in order to expand the customer base. With the help of cold sales, you can turn a person completely uninterested in your product into a regular customer and increase your profits.
From the third lesson you will learn what the essence and features of cold sales are, what this technique is, and what nuances of telephone conversations need to be taken into account during cold sales. After completing the lesson, you will also be able to organize cold sales, create your own cold calling scripts and determine how interested the client is in your offer.
Lesson 4. Producing a presentation
Presentation plays a special role in the sales process. Essentially, it's a show run by a manager. The purpose of the presentation is to awaken the potential client's interest in the product and motivate him to conclude a deal. Presentations in business are used by absolutely everyone, from independent distributors to the world's largest corporations. And you, too, must learn to carry them out.
From the fourth lesson you will learn where to start preparing for a presentation, how to set up several people of the key player and why this is so important, how to present your product and why you need to learn to speak the language client. In addition, the lesson will cover telephone presentations, the basics of web and video presentations, demonstrations product, presentation of tangible and intangible goods, as well as the most common mistakes during presentations.
Lesson 5. Work with objections
Objections are a stumbling block for a huge number of sellers. Almost no one likes them. But the client’s psychology is different in that in most cases he will object to you, as if trying to test your strength. And if you have the strength and skills to convince him and win him over, only in this case will the deal be in your pocket.
In the fifth lesson we will explain what objections are, how they are formed and what types there are, what working with objections is and what stages it consists of. You will become familiar with the most effective methods of dealing with objections, including the counter-question method, the comparison method, the statement replacement method, and others. In the final block, we will talk about how to handle false objections.
Lesson 6. Sales management: tools, principles, methods
The leaders of all successful companies are well aware that the success of their organizations depends on how effectively and competently they manage sales. The functioning of such a huge mechanism as a business is directly related to how its individual parts work. Sales management allows you to control the operation of the entire system, and therefore make a profit, while simultaneously satisfying the needs of the client.
The sixth lesson is entirely devoted to sales management: we will tell you what sales management is, what goals it pursues and what tools are used to implement them. You will also learn how a sales management strategy is developed, what principles should be based on when managing sales, and what methods should be used in work.
Lesson 7. Business ethics
The buyer will make a purchase only if the manager is able to find a common language with him and instill in him confidence in himself, his company and the product offered. It often happens that a client, for some reason, begins to conflict, download rights, and demand that some requests be fulfilled. Business ethics helps to find a common language with clients, win them over, and resolve controversial situations.
In the final lesson we will talk about what affects the image of the seller, what should take into account psychological effects in communication, with the help of which techniques professional conflicts. In addition, we will talk about the important skills of a successful manager and their importance.