Biology course for grades 8-11 (anatomy) - free course from Foxford, training 30 lessons, Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Who will benefit from the course?
A course for students in grades 8-11 who are interested in studying anthropology, anatomy and physiology, as well as entering a university or special school in a specialized field.
What knowledge does the course provide?
The classes discuss modern research and discoveries in the field of physiology and medicine. Each organ is considered from the point of view of anatomy, morphology and physiology.
How is the course useful?
The classes will help you not only master the school curriculum, but also significantly deepen your knowledge of biology and teach you how to provide first aid.
Each organ is considered from the point of view of anatomy, morphology and physiology. The course will help not only to master the school curriculum, but to significantly deepen knowledge of biology and teach first aid.
We manually check samples and homework.
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7.
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time.
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams.
The lesson lasts 2 academic hours.
Introduction to Anatomy
- Origin and evolution of man
- Cell structure
- Human tissue
- Sciences that study the human body
Structure and functions of organ systems
- Nervous system and analyzers
- Endocrine system
- Musculoskeletal system
- The cardiovascular system. Circulation
- Internal environment. Immunity
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Metabolism in the human body
- Vitamins
- Genitourinary apparatus
Higher nervous activity
- Reflexes
- Forms of behavior
- Sleep and wakefulness
- Memory. Thinking. Emotions
Human ecology
- Human adaptation