“Testing laboratory specialist” - course 23,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: December 5, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Admission requirements: higher professional education or secondary specialized education
Program Manager: Yulia Anatolyevna Zavgorodnyaya, Email: [email protected], tel.8 (495) 939-22-33
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
If necessary, the program can be adapted to the customer’s requirements - expanded, removed, or the necessary topics added to the curriculum of the additional education program
Who will benefit from the course?
This course will be useful for both experienced employees of testing laboratories who have been regularly performing their functions, and for young specialists who are just starting their professional path in testing laboratories. Taking this course will also be relevant for university students wishing to obtain an additional working profession.
- learn how to properly and competently organize work within your laboratory in the field of labor protection, material and technical equipment, record keeping and paperwork;
- become more deeply familiar with such an important procedure as sampling and everything connected with it;
-understand the techniques and methods of quantitative chemical analysis, as well as carrying out physical and chemical measurements;
- dive into the topic of quality control in a testing laboratory and learn how to organize it correctly to confirm the reliability of the results obtained;
- get acquainted with the main aspects of the quality management system in the testing laboratory.
In what format does it take place?
The course takes place in the form of full-time and part-time training with full-time certification, the training period is 72 academic hours. The course includes lectures, practical and laboratory classes, and independent work. Upon successful completion of the educational program, students will receive a certificate of advanced training of the established type.
Graduated from the Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University in 1996. and postgraduate studies in biogeochemistry in 1999.
She defended her dissertation on the topic “Comparative characteristics of humic acids and fungal melanins” in 2000.
Area of scientific interests: study of the structure and properties of biochemically stable natural organic compounds (humic acids, melanins, lignins), their biological activity and role in the processes of soil humus formation and the general carbon cycle biocenoses.
Participates in conducting laboratory and seminar classes in a workshop on the special course “Chemistry of Humic Substances”.
Published 25 scientific papers.
1 Organization of work in the laboratory
1.1 Occupational health and safety requirements when working in a testing laboratory. Rules of conduct for personnel in emergency situations. Means of protection.
1.2 Organization, content, forms and methods of work of the laboratory. Basic requirements for laboratory equipment in accordance with its profile. Requirements for laboratory premises, control of microclimate parameters. Laboratory furniture.
1.3 Material and technical equipment of the laboratory: equipment, glassware, reagents. Requirements for measuring instruments, testing and auxiliary equipment, rules for working with them. Requirements for working with reagents and materials and their disposal. Acquisition of material and technical resources. Organization of the workplace. Personnel requirements.
1.4 Record keeping and paperwork. Rules for keeping records in technical, laboratory and work journals. Reporting test results and quality control of test results.
2 Selection and preparation of samples for analysis
2.1 Rules and methods of sampling. Regulatory documentation for sampling. Methods for collecting a representative sample.
2.2 Equipment and devices for sampling. Preparation of equipment, glassware and reagents for sampling. Methods of preservation and storage conditions for samples. Methods and techniques for primary sample preparation.
2.3 Requirements for sampling reports. Sampling laboratory procedural documents. Personnel requirements. Carrying out sampling in accordance with the profile/area of accreditation of the laboratory.
3 Techniques and methods of quantitative chemical analysis
3.1 Quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis, basic concepts. Classification of QCA methods. The choice of method depends on the objectives of the study. The main stages of chemical analysis.
3.2 Techniques for performing laboratory work: working with laboratory glassware, taking samples, preparing solutions, diluting, etc.
3.3 Classification of volume measuring instruments. Ensuring quality control when working with modern volume measuring instruments (dosing devices) and measuring utensils.
3.4 Preparation and quality assessment of reagents. Methods of expressing concentrations. Rules for the preparation, labeling, storage of solutions, keeping work logs.
3.5 Methods of sample preparation depending on the indicator being determined and the method of analysis. Importance and quality control of sample preparation.
3.6 Methods of digestion, mineralization and sample extraction. Methods for selective extraction of mineral and organic compounds from samples. Materials, reagents and equipment used.
3.7 Methods for separation, purification and concentration of samples (filtration, evaporation, distillation, precipitation, sorption, etc.).
3.8 Gravity (gravimetric) method of analysis. Basic provisions and application features.
3.9 Basics of the titrimetric method of analysis. Types and techniques of titration.
4 Carrying out physical and chemical measurements
4.1 Review and characteristics of physicochemical methods of analysis. Selection of the optimal analysis method under the conditions of a specific laboratory. Main characteristics of the analysis method: limit of determination, limit of detection, range of determined contents, selectivity, interference.
4.2 Electrochemical, spectral and chromatographic methods of analysis: main characteristics and Features of application in the analysis of environmental objects (atmospheric air, natural and waste water, soil). Modern equipment.
4.3 Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis used in processing measurement results. Processing of analysis results. Rules for rounding results. Construction of calibration characteristics, errors in their construction.
5 Quality control in the testing laboratory
5.1 Modern requirements for ensuring the quality of test and measurement results, existing regulatory documents.
5.2 Types and sources of errors during measurements. Processing measurements and assessing the acceptability of measurement results. Metrological characteristics of methods: accuracy, correctness, precision. Assessment of suitability and implementation of methods.
5.3 In-laboratory quality control of measurement results. Preventive control procedures. On-line control of analysis using control samples, additive method, dilution method, comparison method with another method. Monitoring the stability of analysis results using Shewhart control charts.
5.4 External quality control of laboratory work. Interlaboratory comparison tests.
5.5 Methods for documenting quality control of test results. The procedure for maintaining, identifying, systematizing, storing and retrieving quality records. Rules for presenting analysis results.
6 Quality management system in the testing laboratory
6.1 National accreditation system. Basics of accreditation of laboratories in the FSA. Basic provisions of GOST ISO/IEC 17025. Modern requirements for quality management systems of testing laboratories.
6.2 Regulatory and technical documentation of the laboratory. Relationships with customers. Requirements for test and measurement reports, preparation of reports.
final examination - exam