Practical course in child neuropsychology - course 69,900 rubles. from Smart, training 5 months, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 08, 2023
Fast. Training period:
from 5 months
Comfortable. Online format:
study in your free time
Cost-effective. First earnings:
guarantee of first earnings specified in the contract
It's clear. Support form:
tutor with specialized education for the entire period of study
Effective. Practice during training:
practicing skills on real clients
Reliable. Education document:
standard document, NFT certificate
Heads of educational institutions, teachers of private schools, tutors who want
Personal practice
> 3,000 children
Specializes in neuropsychology of childhood.
Author of scientific articles
in neuropsychology, the most innovative of which is about the treatment of asthma using neuropsychology.
He has a higher education in psychology, a diploma with honors, and is a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Science from St. Petersburg State University. Holder of a Ph. degree. D - Doctor of Science according to foreign classification.
Head of the Noosphere Center for Child Development. Practicing specialist in the field of neuropsychological correction of children.
Teaching experience
Teacher of the discipline "Neuropsychology"
Clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, child psychologist.
Graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in Clinical Psychology
Completed advanced training
according to the programs: “Development of language ability in “speechless” and “poorly speaking” children”, “Neuropsychological approach to the development of memory in children of preschool and primary school age” and many others. other
Neurodiagnostics and correction of disorders such as mental retardation, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and others
Correction of children with communication, behavioral and emotional disorders. Launching speech through the systemic development of basic mental processes in non-speaking children with psycho-speech and communication disorders
Graduated with honors from the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Medical Academy under the President of the Russian Federation
Personal practice
More than 4000 consultations
Seminar presenter
for parents, lectures and courses for specialists at the Norma Plus center
Working with children with behavioral and learning difficulties, delays in mental and speech development, ASD and ADHD
Help in overcoming dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, alalia and other developmental difficulties
Module 1.
Fundamentals of functional anatomy of the central nervous system, physiology of higher nervous activity and sensory systems
Fundamentals of the structure and functioning of the nervous system. The structure of a neuron. Classification of neurons. Synapse
Divisions of the brain: telencephalon Divisions of the brain: diencephalon Divisions of the brain: midbrain Divisions of the brain: hindbrain
Brain regions: medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
Otnogenesis of the nervous system
Fundamentals of the physiology of sensory systems. Divisions: peripheral, conductive and central. The structure of the projection zones of the cortex
Basic physiology of sensory systems: visual and auditory systems
Fundamentals of the physiology of sensory systems: gustatory and olfactory systems Fundamentals of physiology of sensory systems: vestibular, somato-sensory systems and visceroception
Fundamentals of the physiology of higher nervous activity. Basic principles. Excitation and inhibition
Fundamentals of the physiology of higher nervous activity. Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. Needs and motivation
Fundamentals of the physiology of higher nervous activity. Learning processes Fundamentals of the physiology of higher nervous activity. Functional systems theory
Fundamentals of the physiology of higher nervous activity. States of wakefulness and sleep
Module 2.
Basics of neuropsychology
Fundamentals of neuropsychology. System dynamic localization. Symptom, syndrome, factor. Three functional blocks of the brain
Fundamentals of neuropsychology. Characteristics of neuropsychological factors and syndromes
Fundamentals of neuropsychology. Fundamentals of childhood neuropsychology
Structural and functional maturation of the brain. Critical and sensitive periods. Leading activity
Structural and functional maturation of the brain. Basic principles of structural and functional maturation of the brain. Features of the genesis of mental functions: visual perception, praxis, attention, memory, thinking, speech
Functional asymmetry of the brain and interhemispheric interaction Syndromes of immaturity of mental functions. Metasyndromes, deviations in mental development. The concept of dysontogenesis
Functional immaturity of the frontal parts of the brain and the left temporal region
Functional immaturity of the corpus callosum and right hemisphere
Functional deficiency of the basal ganglia of the brain and deficiency of stem formations
Left-handedness is a variant of individual development
Causes and types of agnosia. Diagnostic methods
Causes and types of dyspraxia
Causes and types of dyspraxia. Diagnostic methods
Speech disorders in childhood. Dysarthria, alalia, aphasia Memory impairment with local brain lesions Attention impairment with local brain lesions
Thinking disorders in local brain lesions
Disorders of the emotional and personal sphere in local brain lesions
Module 3.
Neuropsychological diagnostics
Conducting a neuropsychological examination
Forms and protocols of neuropsychological examination
Practical work on Module 3 - analysis of the neuropsychological report protocol
Analysis of possible violations in subjects when performing neuropsychological tests. Practical lesson
Drawing up a neuropsychological report
Non-speaking children: neuropsychological approach to diagnosis and speech correction
Diagnosis of young children: 1-2 years
Diagnosis of young children: 2-3 years
Diagnosis of children of early preschool age: 3-5 years
Diagnosis of children of senior preschool age
Diagnosis of children of primary school age
Diagnosis of children of senior school age
Methods of play neurodiagnostics of young children and children with field behavior
Module 4.
Neuropsychological correction
Principles of evidence-based medicine and their application
Division of work with other specialists. Neurocorrection programs
Development and selection of correctional programs
Development of neuropsychological programs
Methods of neuropsychological correction
Violation of the reading process. Dyslexia
Impairment of written speech. Dysgraphia
Impaired arithmetic skills. Dyscalculia
Methods of correction work - dyslexia
Methods of correctional work - dysgraphia
Methods of correction work - dyscalculia
Comprehensive correction of the immaturity of the basic components of mental functions: increasing neurodynamic parameters. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of immaturity of basic components of mental functions: development of interhemispheric interactions. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of the immaturity of the basic components of mental functions: development of programming, regulation and control. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Methods of psychological correction of emotional disorders in children. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of immaturity of basic mental functions: speech development. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of immaturity of basic mental functions: development of thinking. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of immaturity of basic mental functions: memory development. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Complex correction of immaturity of basic mental functions: development of spatial concepts. Options for games and exercises. Review of benefits
Bonus lesson: Neuropsychology: from first steps to mastery
Basic principles of organizing a lesson. Lesson structure. Correction of unwanted behavior
5 module
Working with children with disabilities
Categories of children with disabilities. Legal regulation of the education of children with disabilities
Forms of work with parents of children with disabilities
Music as a tool for neurocorrection
Children with ADHD
Children with Down syndrome
Features of development of children with cerebral palsy
Techniques for working with children diagnosed with epilepsy
Development of thinking in children with complex structure defects. Options for games and exercises. Review of tutorials (multiple lessons)
Art therapy method in working with special needs children Fairytale therapy as a method of correcting disorders in children with disabilities Method of correcting disorders DIR Floortime
Special motherhood or children with disabilities Forms of work with parents of children with disabilities Types of child-parent attachment Autism spectrum disorders. Main signs and symptoms. Types of work with ASD
ABA therapy and its effectiveness in working with autistic children
Childhood schizophrenia
Psychopathy and character accentuations