Personal curator of the Unified State Exam in History: +5 samples and analysis of tasks - free course from Foxford, training for 5 trial versions of the Unified State Exam, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
More practice
For those who lack confidence in exam preparation, as well as support and motivation.
Personal curator
The curator will help with assignments and answer all questions.
Motivation and support
Additional chat support, meetings with the curator, useful materials.
5 trial versions of the Unified State Exam
You regularly receive trial versions of the USE-2023 sample, solve them and submit them for verification. The curator will check your work, evaluate it strictly in accordance with the testing criteria of the real Unified State Examination and give a detailed comment.
Additional practice in designing work
The curator will not just check the work. He will help you understand mistakes and understand the rules of design, talk about life hacks and recommend materials for additional development of “weak points.”
Answers to your questions
We will answer questions about the subject and how to solve problems, about choosing a university and about the admissions campaign. We will help you find motivation and the art of time management. You will be able to get answers to any questions about the Unified State Exam and admission.
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams
with checking and analysis of errors from the curator