Russian language course “Write competently” for 4th grade - free course from Foxford, training, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
At each lesson of the course, new and interesting things are discovered in the language, an understanding of its laws and rules and the application of this knowledge in practice. The most important goal of the course is the development of curiosity and interest in the native language, the joy of fluency in its riches.
Who will benefit from the course?
A course for 4th grade students who want to deepen their knowledge of the Russian language.
What knowledge does the course provide?
Forms an idea of language as a developing system. Teaches the technique of writing various types of written work: dictations, presentations and essays.
How is the course useful?
Promotes the development and improvement of all types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
We manually check samples and homework.
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7.
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time.
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams.
coursesTeacher of primary school, Russian language and literature, Russian Foreign Languages. Member of the Guild of Language Writers.
Teacher of primary school, Russian language and literature.
Teacher of Russian as a foreign language.
Greek language teacher.
Member of the Guild of Language Writers.
Author of the best application for participation in the Summer School 2020 teachers
literature in Yasnaya Polyana.
Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy
- Speech sounds and letters: vowels, consonants
- Ways to indicate the softness of a consonant sound in writing
- Ways to designate the sound [thʼ] in writing
Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling
- Morphemics
- Word formation
- Spelling of roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings
Vocabulary. Phraseology
- The word and its lexical meaning
- Phraseologisms
- Proverbs and sayings, catchphrases and expressions
- Noun: grammatical categories, morphological analysis
- Adjective: grammatical categories, morphological analysis
- Verb: verb conjugation, morphological analysis
Syntax. Punctuation
- Collocation and sentence
- Addresses, homogeneous members in a sentence
- Simple and complex sentences
Text as a speech work
- Text - description
- Text - narration
- Text - reasoning