Narrative practice - course RUB 132,069. from Psychodemia, training 8 months (405ac. hours) 8 hours per week, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
- Learn the theory you need to practice. Become familiar with the philosophy and theoretical basis of the narrative approach so you can practice meaningfully. Learn how to avoid burnout at work, write therapy documents, and make your work notes useful to the people who come to you for help.
- Master the tools of the narrative approach in practice. Learn to use a specific questioning logic for a specific purpose—the narrative conversation map. You will be able to freely switch between different cards, work with problematic history, notice unique episodes in a person’s story and with their help saturate the preferred story as opposed to problematic. Master approach techniques, including working with metaphor, scaffolding, and “good questions.” Learn to take a non-expert position as a narrative practitioner, working with couples, unions, communities. You will repeatedly take on therapeutic and client roles and explore the effects of work from different angles. Learn to work with different requests, including the consequences of trauma.
- Receive a training document. Psychodemia has a state educational license. Therefore, upon successful completion of the final work and attending 80% of classes, you will receive a promotion certificate qualifications of the established standard, 325 academic hours in the standard package, 335 academic hours in expanded.
Psychologist, narrative practitioner with more than 7 years of experience, IFS practitioner, specialist in the field of gender and sexuality
Introductory meeting
Get to know each other and learn the rules of the course.
Introducing the Narrative Approach
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 6 hours of practice in pairs
Become familiar with the central metaphor of the narrative approach. You will practice non-expertise and decentralization in the position of a narrative practitioner. You will begin to recognize the dominant ideas in society and monitor their influence on yourself and on people.
Externalization and deconstruction
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 6 hours of practice in pairs
Get acquainted with one of the basic principles of the narrative approach - “the problem is not the person, the problem is the problem.” You will be able to use the basic tool of the narrative approach - the externalization map, which separates the person from the problem. You will understand how to help clients notice not only the impact of a problematic situation, but also their ways of resisting the problem. You will apply a deconstruction map that highlights allied issues in a socio-cultural context, and reduce the negative impact of dominant ideas in society on clients.
Recomposition and restoration of participation
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 6 hours of practice in pairs
You will be able to notice unique episodes in a person’s story and, with their help, create a preferred story as opposed to a problematic one. Learn to create conditions for strengthening a person's authorial position in relation to his own life and strengthen his connection with people who have influenced his identity.
Narrative tools and techniques
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 6 hours of practice in pairs
Learn to determine which narrative inquiry map can be used at a particular point in a conversation with a person. You will be able to freely switch between maps, notice what is missing but implied in the history of the person who has contacted you, and with its help build a route to unique episodes. Learn how to write therapy documents and make your work notes useful to the people who come to you for help.
Good question. Working with metaphor and working with external witnesses
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 8 hours of practice in threes
Master a variety of “good questions” and test their impact on yourself. You will be able to use metaphors in conversations with people, you will see the opportunities that the involvement of external witnesses provides when working with a problematic story.
You will conduct the first detailed narrative conversation in a working group and receive feedback. In the Standard tariff - in the format of an intervision meeting, in the Extended tariff - with a supervisor.
A narrative approach to working with trauma. Working with couples and unions, working with communities. Preventing burnout.
8 hours of theory, 12 hours of practical training, 6 hours of practice in threes and 2 hours of practice in twos
Learn to use double description when working with trauma. You will try narrative practices for working with communities and master the principles of their composition. You will be able to reinforce your preferred story in narrative conversations with couples and unions. You can stay connected to your values at work and redefine your professional motivation and identity to avoid burnout.
*Narrative mediation
2 hours of theory, 3 hours of practical classes, 2 hours of practice in pairs
Get acquainted with narrative mediation - the ability to resolve conflicts in families, organizations, and teams. You will learn a perspective on conflict in narrative practice and will be able to use this lens in helping work.
8 months (405ac. hours) 8 hours a week,