Life script: how we write our destiny - course 7,000 rubles. from the Academy of Further Education, training 4 weeks (32 hours), Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
The course is based on the theory of transactional analysis
Transactional Analysis is an interesting and understandable theory for understanding human behavior and relationships, as well as an effective clinical method of psychotherapy for personal growth and personality change. The language of transactional analysis (TA) is simple and can be understood by a 7-year-old child, as Eric Berne, the founder of TA, said.
The course includes the basic TA concepts that Eric Berne described in his books Games People Play and People Who Play Games, as well as those of his followers. The program is aimed at improving the quality of life through improving self-understanding.
This course is suitable for you if
You constantly criticize yourself. You feel “imposter syndrome” or “excellent student syndrome”, feel guilt and shame. In the course you will find out the reason for your worries.
It is difficult for you to communicate. You cannot establish contact with your surroundings, you are embarrassed, afraid of condemnation. During the course you will learn how to change your behavior patterns to improve communication.
You don't know what you want. It is difficult for you to express your feelings and emotions; you do not understand your needs. During the course you will learn the cause of this condition and what needs to be done to change it.
Week 1: “How does my inner world work?”
1. "Meet Transactional Analysis"
2. “Model of the inner world: what my personality consists of”
3. “The Origins of Our Behavior: Why We React The Way We Do”
4. “Strengthening the adult position: who really controls us?”
learn the philosophy and basic principles of TA
build a model of your personality to understand your behavior in different situations
learn the tools to influence your life
Strengthen your position as an adult to unlock your personal potential
Week 2: “How do I interact with other people?”
1. "Anatomy of Communication: How We Communicate"
2. “Contact with yourself and others: how we exchange attention”
3. “Structuring time: how we spend our time in a scenario”
answer the question “How and why do I communicate?”
learn how to talk about your needs and desires so that others hear and listen
build a scheme for structuring your time; Find ways to effectively allocate time and resources, which will increase your energy levels
Week 3: “What script did I write and how to live with it”
1. “He is still alive: how my script originated and is lived by me today”
2. “Life positions: what my script is based on”
3. “The hero of my myth: what plot do I use to play out my script?”
decipher your Script: what it consists of, how it is written and how it manifests itself in adult life
find elements in your Script that prevent you from getting what you want
get tools to change elements of your Script
Week 4: “How we play instead of getting what we want”
1. “Life is like a game: game mechanisms in our lives”
2. “The origin of games: why we play and how to start living”
answer the question “What psychological games do I play? Why do I need this?
learn to recognize elements of psychological games in communication with others
learn how to get out of the Game in an environmentally friendly way and become the master of your life