Code of Art: Digitalization of Beauty - free course from Open Education, training 12 weeks, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Currently, Moscow University is one of the leading centers of national education, science and culture. Raising the level of highly qualified personnel, searching for scientific truth, focusing on humanistic ideals of goodness, justice, freedom - this is what we see today as following the best university traditions Moscow State University is the largest classical university in the Russian Federation, a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. It trains students in 39 faculties in 128 areas and specialties, graduate students and doctoral students in 28 faculties in 18 branches of science and 168 scientific specialties, which cover almost the entire spectrum of modern university education. Currently, more than 40 thousand students, graduate students, doctoral students, as well as specialists in the advanced training system are studying at Moscow State University. In addition, about 10 thousand schoolchildren study at Moscow State University. Scientific work and teaching are carried out in museums, at educational and scientific practice bases, on expeditions, on research vessels, and in advanced training centers.
1. Digital Art: Definitions and Study Approaches
Typology of digital art. Basic terms, styles and directions. Problems of perception and existence.
2. Works of art and the problem of technical reproducibility
Art devoid of the “aura of the artist” (according to W. Benjamin), the problem of originality of a digital work of art. What is a “copy” in the digital space?
3. Exhibiting digital art objects in a virtual format.
Problems of exhibiting digital art, virtual platforms, augmented reality. Intersections of the real world and the virtual
4. NFT-art: “seem to be”
What is NFT art? Determination criteria, problems of existence. NFT-art – entertainment for the “zoomer generation”, or the future of fine art?
5. NFT tokens: the history of capturing the art market
In 2021, a kind of revolution took place in the art market: NFT-art attracted the attention of major players, which radically changed the order of prices. How have events in the art market changed the balance of power in the art world, and how does this affect the development of art history?
6. "Wright clickers" and the problem of uniqueness of digital art
One of the key problems in the existence of works of digital art is the problem of uniqueness. In order to become the owner of a “copy” of a digital work, just click the right button of the computer mouse several times.
7. Virtual reality and fake art
Counterfeits of real works of art often appear in the virtual world - and this does not always happen out of malicious intent. What does the creation of parallel realities lead to, how does this affect the perception of the work of artists - both modern and “classical”?
8. Artificial intelligence: from creating works of art to fighting counterfeits
In recent years, artists have increasingly had to compete with artificial intelligence. The present and future of “robot art”, prospects for development and existence.
9. Artist on the Internet: virtual fame and the real world
In the last decade, thanks to the development of the Internet, the way artists are represented and promoted has fundamentally changed. How do these mechanisms work today, and how do artists working in “traditional” techniques use network opportunities?