What is important for an NPO accountant to know in 2021 - free course from KonturSkola, training 40 hours, date: July 16, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Step 1. Watch lessons Recorded or live, discuss the topic of the lesson in a chat with experts.
Step 2. Take tests Test your knowledge after each lesson an unlimited number of times and prepare for the final test.
Step 3. Receive the document Pass the final test, and the document will be waiting in your personal account. You can download it or track the original by track number.
Various formats Videos, teaching materials, checklists, online tests, sample documents and collections of regulatory documents.
Personal support Support from a curator and an expert for the entire period of training, as well as 24-hour technical support.
Mobile application In the application you can watch lessons and webinars, take tests and ask questions.
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The service uses technologies from the “Educated” project and does not provide educational services.