Business analyst. Profession - course 107,100 rub. from Moscow Business School, training 8 months, Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Founder and head of the Center for Internet Marketing by Ekaterina Shukalova, system Internet marketer, expert practitioner in the field of information systems design and development business, web analyst. Developer of the professional standard “Internet Marketing Specialist”
Expert practitioner in the field of Internet marketing. Specializes in the full cycle of working with online businesses. Author of publications in industry publications.
Professional experience
Experience in the field of personnel training and development - more than 24 years, of which management experience in large financial, insurance and consulting companies - more than 10 years
Headed the Business Development Directorate, HR Department, Training Center
She led the direction of the “Leadership and Personal Efficiency” programs within the framework of the federal anti-crisis program
Professional competencies
Optimization and description of business processes and reorganization of the organizational structure with the subsequent development and implementation of programs for assessment, development and training of personnel within the framework of the “Personnel Reserve” program
Design and construction of corporate training centers from scratch
Design and implementation of systemic personnel assessment using 360-degree methods and an assessment center, including description of competencies at all levels and areas of financial, insurance and telecommunications businesses
Standardization of Call center work, including the development of standards, training of operators and heads of groups and departments, monitoring and motivation programs (intangible part), as well as a description of the business processes of “echeloning” incoming calls in order to reduce the time of interaction with the subscriber and improve quality client service
Building a sales system in the financial, telecommunications, and insurance businesses as part of active expansion programs into the regions
Investment companies: Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, BSGV, GE Money Bank, Trust Bank, ING bank Eurasia, Home Bank Credit, AccessBank, Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, B&N Bank, RosEvroBank, MDM Bank, Bank of Baku, BCS, Absolut bank
Telecommunication companies: OJSC VimpelCom, OJSC Mobile TeleSystems, Rostelecom, Rostelecom MMT, Svyazinvest, Azerfon, Azercel, Svyaznoy
Industry, production: JSC GSKB Almaz-Antey, Donskoy Tabak, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Savushkin Product, Santa Bremor, TechnoNikol, Sweet Life, Selena Vostok, Spetskabel, Kirov-Energomash
Resources: production, processing, sales: United Metallurgical Company, Surgutneftegaz, Salavtnefteorgsites, Intertekhelektro, OGK-1, SSK, Lukoil, Rosatom, Gazprom, Gazpromneft, Norilskgazprom, Tyumenneftegaz, Razgulay
Sales, distribution: Petrol Plus, Lenta, Green Leaf, AgroSnab, Silk Road, Colin’s, Tekhnosila, JET GROUP business aviation, Supra, Scarlett, Rusloto, Toyota, Mercedes, Audi, Autoworld, Bella Tours, Autoplanet, Real Prestige, Algai, Gtfko, Arval, Volga-Dnepr
Construction, real estate: MEBE CONSTRUCTION, Smineks, DonStroy, MIRAX, Knight Frank
Pharmaceutical and medical companies (sales, production, treatment): Hoffman La Roche, Gallen, Roentgensnab, Alcon, Nobelbiocare
Information technology, consulting: Diasoft, Web Media Services, Siemens, IBS, Begun, IT consulting, APC, Intel, Delta Management, Superjob
Insurance: Rosgosstrakh-stolitsa, NSK "Rekon", First Insurance Company
Media, media: DTV Viasat, Pronto Moscow, STS, RBC, Gazprom Media, ABB
Entertainment and sports: Planet Fitness, Swissotel
Government agencies and educational institutions: Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, MESI, MGIMO, FOCUS HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE An Affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network, Department of Housing and Communal Services, Ministry of Education of the Republic Azerbaijan
Teaching activities
Teaches programs in management and leadership, as well as a number of courses within the framework of the MBA program at Moscow Business School
Teaches long-term programs at corporate universities of large financial, industrial and telecommunications companies
He teaches second higher education and MBA programs at the Synergy business school at the Russian Academy of Economics named after G. IN. Plekhanov
Practices coaching with top officials and top managers of large Russian companies on effective business management and public speaking skills
Speeches and publications
Full member of the International Customer Service Association (Toronto Chapter)
Author of articles and publications in the publications “Secret of the Company”, “Elite Personnel”, “Human Resources Management”, “HR Digest” and others
Author's programs “Strategic and operational management”, “Human resources management”, “Effective communications (negotiations and presentations)”, “Development of leadership potential”, as well as many others
Author of books on leadership “Leadership potential and power in an organization”, “Organization of effective teamwork”
Training programs were conducted in more than 40 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Greece, Romania
Belarusian State University named after. IN. AND. Lenin, philologist
Belarusian State University named after. IN. AND. Lenina, psychologist
Certified Master of Situational Leadership and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Status: The Certified Trainer University of Pennsylvania PennState (internship in 2009)
Member of ICF International Coach Federation
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Certified business coach, international speaker (GSF, EMBA), Executive coach on personal effectiveness, motivation and psychology of success, member of the board of directors of the International Youth Chamber JCI Russia, expert partner of the Brian Academy Tracey
Professional experience
2014 - present V. — Private practice, business coach
2012–2014 — MosBytEnergo LLC, deputy head of the direct sales department
2011–2012 — Finance Consulting, sales manager
2009–2010 — Study and work in the USA under the student exchange program
Professional competencies
Personal development and effective time management
Development and implementation of an employee motivation system
Setting and achieving goals
Organization and conduct of public performances
Development and implementation of effective sales techniques
Corporate and personal coaching
Development of business communication skills
Networking and team building
Sberbank PJSC, Boombate LLC, Department of Science and Industrial Policy, Department of Industry and Entrepreneurship, BS State University of Management, Toshiba, "Kitaygorodskaya School" research and educational center, City Business School, Meetpartners, "Business Russia", "Youth Business of Russia" (YBR) and other
Teaching activities
She teaches open and corporate programs on personal development, coaching, and public speaking at leading universities and training centers. Author of the program for achieving goals for managers “Accelerator”
Performances and achievements
Dozens of participations and presentations at various forums and conferences dedicated to current issues of personal development, motivation and principles of success
Author of the book “Success with your own hands. How to take your life to the next level"
Author of a number of publications on personal development, unlocking potential and achieving success
Founder and director of the “Successful Thinking” project
Co-host of the program “More Than Business”
Presenter on Radio "Mediametrics"
2016–2017 — Business school of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, optimization of business processes in the context of global challenges and changes
2015 — School of business trainers Molokanov and Sikirin, business coach
2015 — David Allen, Getting Things Done
2015 — UseClark, speed reading and memory
2014 — Maxim Potashev and Pavel Salovsky: Thinking and intelligence
2014 — Anthony Robbins: Unleash the power within, Personal Power® II: 30-Day System, Time of Your Life, The Ultimate Edge
2014 - Erik Qualman: Social Media & Digital
2014 - Jack Canfield: Train The Trainer
2013 - Vladimir Dovgan: New technologies for personal development, Rules for successful business. Increasing personal effectiveness
2013 - Azamat Ushanov: Gold asset 3.0
2011 – University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fundamentals of Oral Communications Course
2009–2016 — Brian Tracy: The Science of Self-Confidence, Success Mastery Academy Audio Program, The Miracle of Self Discipline Package, Power of Personal Achievement Home Study Program, How to Talk: Secrets of the Great Communicators, The Ultimate Goals Program, High Performance Selling, The Psychology of Selling, Accelerated Learning Techniques, Effective Manager
2004–2009 — Petrozavodsk State University, historical and cultural tourism