“Models for the formation of universal competence in the field of economic culture, including financial literacy” - free course from MSU, training 8 weeks. (2 months), Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
for university employees (citizens of the Russian Federation) from among the administrative and management personnel who want to organize high-quality educational process aimed at developing universal competence “Economic culture, including financial literacy"
What will mastering this program give you:
know the current regulatory and methodological documents regulating the development and implementation of educational programs and work programs disciplines (modules) of educational organizations of higher education based on the competency-based approach and credit-module organization of educational process;
understand the methodological essence of the following concepts: “competence”, “learning outcome”, “module”, “credit unit”, “teaching”, “learning”, “assessment of the quality of mastering a discipline (module)”, “e-learning”, “distance technologies";
understand the content of universal competence in economic culture, including financial literacy, in terms of indicators and learning outcomes;
understand the principles of developing work programs of disciplines (modules) that form universal competence, taking into account the applied methods and technologies of teaching, learning and assessment.
Documents upon completion of the program: Certificate of advanced training from Moscow State University
108 ak. hours (2 months)
Form of study
correspondence with the use of distance learning technologies
Program cost
For free
1 Competency-based approach in the development and implementation of work programs of disciplines (modules) that provide formation of universal competence in the field of economic culture, including financial literacy.
You will become familiar with the regulatory framework governing the development and implementation of work programs of disciplines (modules) of programs in financial literacy of students, problems of development and implementation of work programs of disciplines (modules) in the field of financial literacy with taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, determination of competencies and educational results, classification and levels of development of competencies, measurement indicators
2 Credit-module system for organizing the educational process
You will understand the concepts and principles of the formation of educational modules and their relationship with learning outcomes, content and forms of contact work with the teacher, as well as student’s independent work, curriculum development logic, teaching methods and technologies, student performance assessment system, structure and development algorithm work program.
3 Content of universal competence “Able to make informed economic decisions in various areas of life”
You will study indicators for achieving universal competence and corresponding learning outcomes, understand the content and structure of disciplines (modules) ensuring the formation of universal competence in economic culture, including financial literacy, as well as determine the place of the discipline that forms competence in the field of financial literacy in the curriculum of BOP bachelors, taking into account the specifics areas of training.