Business coaching - course RUB 40,220. from Moscow School of Practical Psychology, training 534 academic. hours, Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
Business psychologist. Graduate of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Department of Social Psychology. Author of socio-psychological trainings
Professional psychologist, speaker, candidate of psychological sciences, art therapist, certified NLP practitioner, presenter of psychological games.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Practicing psychologist. Associate Professor at the Department of Corporate Culture at Synergy University. Speaker of the City Expert Advisory Council of the Parent Community under the Department of Education and Science of the city. Moscow"
2019 National Research Institute of Further Education and Vocational Training, specialty “Adult Neuropsychology. Diagnostics and rehabilitation of persons with disorders of higher mental functions of various origins."
2010 Postgraduate course Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow
Faculty of Educational Psychology, specialty “Developmental Psychology and Acmeology”
2006 Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow
Training program - 534 hours
Psychology of communication
Personality psychology as a branch of psychological knowledge. Individual, personality, individuality. Structural and systemic approaches to describing personality in psychology. Personal development. Personality as the subject of his life path. Psychological health of the individual. Personality in conflict. Personal self-awareness.
Psychology of Leadership
Leader, his qualities and functions. Internal limitations and success. Psychological stability. Self confidence. Leader behavior. Principles of success. Improving leader effectiveness. Successful leaders and failed leaders. Behavioral portrait.
Organizational psychology
Subject of organizational psychology. Analysis and design of the organization. Personality in the organization. Evolution of theories of human behavior in organizations. Motivation for work. Teams in organizations: formation, development and functioning. Making decisions in groups. Communications in the organization. Organizational culture. Social and psychological climate of the organization.
Psychology of management
Management psychology as a science. Managment structure. Psychology of personnel management. HR roles. Principles of modern management. Management within organizational culture. Self-development of a leader.
History of coaching and basic concepts. Types of coaching interactions. Interaction formats. Personal qualities of a coach. Types of clients. Basic principles of coaching. Structure of a coaching session. Business coaching. Team coaching. Scales of achievements and states, “Wheel of Life Balance” technique. Limiting beliefs, techniques for working with them. Motivation in coaching. Emotional intellect. Basics of time management. Career coaching. Coaching strategies for effective family interaction. Relationship coaching, family coaching.
Techniques and practice of business coaching
Introduction. Rules and principles. Conditions, ethics and figure of a business coach. Preparation and conduct of the session. Levels of listening and interaction with the client. Types of questions. SMART. CSMARTE. GROW, SCORE. Balance wheel. Conclusion. Results. Coach reputation.
Group and team business coaching
Introduction, definition, tasks, rules, opportunities. Team coaching model. Structure of group coaching. Figure of a trainer (coach). Preparation of material and hall. Material submission form. Types of groups, individual participants, features of interaction. Conclusion. Motivation. Specific examples.
Career coaching
Introduction to Career Coaching. Objectives, principles, rules. Creating rapport. Feedback. Final result format. Logical levels. Motivation tools. Ethical standards.
Practice, consulting, case methods
Final interdisciplinary exam
Attention! You can attend the full course “Inventory Management Technologies. Rationing, forecasting, optimization.” Managing commodity flows and inventories is the most modern and justified approach to organizing the logistics activities of an enterprise. It allows you to link together all outgoing and incoming commodity flows, and optimize them in such a way as to reduce the cost of storing inventory and warehouse activities, while increasing the efficiency and guarantee of receipt of goods necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise.
36 900 ₽