OGE courses in computer science - course 25,810 rubles. from Online school TutorOnline, training 58 ac. hours, Date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
This program is developed on the basis of the school course “Informatics and ICT”, studied in basic school in accordance with programs of the Federal State Educational Standard, and a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for conducting the OGE in this subject.
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Part 1
1.The concept of information. Types of information presentation. Scope of measurement of different types of information.
1. presentation of information
2. source and receiver of information
3. properties of information
4. basic units of information
5. conversion of one unit to another
5. studying and applying a formula to determine the amount of information in a message
6. main characteristics of text, graphic and audio information
7. finding volumes of text, graphic, audio information in various units of measurement
8. analysis of the obtained result.
2. Encoding information. The concept of a number system (N/S). Converting numbers from one C/C to another.
1. concept of code
2. encoding and decoding process
3. Fano's rule
4. encoding any information in the proposed way
5. decoding information in a specified way
6. definition of S/S
7. basic C/S used in encoding numerical information
8. determining the maximum S/S by number representation
9. algorithms for transferring from one C/S to another and their application in practice
analysis of the result obtained
3. Transfer of information. Measuring the volume of information, speed and time in the process of information transfer
1. factors influencing the transfer of information
2. determination of transmission speed, time and file size when transferring information
3. evaluation of the result obtained
4. Elements of mathematical logic
1. idea of mathematical logic
2. operations of negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication and equivalence in analytical form and in the form of truth tables
3. expressing implication and equivalence through basic operations
4. constructing a truth table of a given expression using logical operations
5. logical expression analysis
6. finding its result based on the analysis performed
7. building a chain of logical reasoning based on the problem conditions
8. choosing a solution that does not contradict the conditions of the problem
9. graphical interpretation of basic logical operations
10. ability to graphically display a logical expression
11. assessment of the amount of information obtained as a result of the entered request
5. Algorithmization. Programming language.
1. definition of the algorithm and its properties
2. forms of representation of algorithms
3. types of presentation of algorithms
4. algorithm executor and its command system
5. compiling algorithms in natural language
6. determination of input information and result
7. constructing a flowchart of algorithms using basic constructs
8. basic programming language concepts
9. methods for entering initial information
10. ways to display the result
11. writing linear, branching and cyclic algorithms in a programming language
12. data structure
13. algorithms for input, output and processing of arrays
14. algorithms for finding maximums, minimums, average values, sums, products, sorting arrays, finding GCD and LCM, factorial, decomposition of a given number into digits
15. working with the programming environment (writing and saving a program, working in debug mode, launching a program)
16. analysis of ready-made algorithms
6. Computer information processing. Software classification. File system. Working with application software package. Basic concepts of the Internet.
1. main computer components, their main functions and purpose
2. input and output devices for various information
3. types of software, their purpose and functions
4. file system definitions
5. work with the file system and evaluate the result of the operation performed
6. work in a spreadsheet processor, build formulas using built-in functions
7. analysis of information from the database and evaluation of the results of queries to the database
8. basic concepts of the Internet
9. assessment of the performance of search engines for the entered query