“Mediation technologies and techniques of reconciliation in legal practice” - course 25,000 rubles. from MSU, training 2 weeks, date December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 06, 2023
Doctor of Law, Professor.
Born in the city of Volgograd.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in 1991
In 1991–1994 She studied in graduate school at the Department of Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. In 1994 defended her PhD thesis at Moscow State University on the topic “Institute of Appeal in Civil Procedure”, in 2005. — doctoral dissertation on the topic “Theoretical problems of verification of judicial acts in civil and arbitration proceedings.”
Works at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University since 1994.
Gives a general course of lectures on civil procedure, conducts special courses: “Procedural documents in civil and arbitration proceedings” (bachelor’s degree), “Alternative dispute resolution” (bachelor’s degree), “Theory and practice of appeal, cassation, supervision in civil and administrative cases” (master’s degree), “Alternative methods of dispute resolution” (master’s degree), “Review of newly discovered or new circumstances of judicial acts that have entered into legal force" (magistracy), "Problems of appealing judicial acts in civil and administrative proceedings" (graduate studies). Leads the Scientific Student Club (NSC) of the School of Reconciliation.
He is an arbitrator of the ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (included in the list of arbitrators for internal disputes), an arbitrator of the Vilnius Commercial Arbitration Court, and a professional mediator.
Head of advanced training programs: “Mediation technologies and techniques of reconciliation in legal practice” (24 academic hours); “Mediation. Basic course" (120 academic hours).
Prepared thirteen candidates of sciences (Arabova T.F., Argunov V.V., Bannikov I.A., Budak E.V., Dolova M.O., Efimov A.E., Zaitsev S.V., Ivanova O.V., Malyukina A.V., Nikonorov S.Yu., Pechegina P.D., Shmotin K.V., Yakhimovich A.V.).
Participated in the development of some chapters of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. She was invited as an expert when the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered a number of cases.
Member of the dissertation council in the specialty 12.00.15 - civil procedure, arbitration process (MSU.12.01, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Law.)
Expert in legal sciences of the expert council of Moscow University.
Member of the editorial council, editorial board of the journals “Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 11. Law", "Bulletin of Civil Procedure", "Bulletin of Economic Justice", "Legislation", "Notary Bulletin", "Teise. Vilniaus Universitetas" ("Right. Vilnius University"), "Bulletin of Odessa National University. Series: Jurisprudence").
Member of the scientific advisory council at the Federal Chamber of Notaries, member of the scientific advisory council at the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation (2009–2015).
Member of the expert section of the Interdepartmental Working Group on improving the regulation of conciliation procedures (mediation procedures).
Member of the Russian Lawyers Association commission on mediation.
Head of the School of Reconciliation, REC “Development of Institutions of Civil Procedural Law”.
Priority of scientific interests: history of civil procedural law, verification and revision of court decisions, notary, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), legal conflict management, conciliation procedures, comparative jurisprudence.
Information about the scientific activities of E.A. Borisova in the Moscow State University database TRUE.
The program is aimed at acquiring professional knowledge about the legal foundations of conciliation procedures, formation of systemic ideas about the theory and practice of mediation technologies and reconciliation techniques in conflicts.
G. Moscow, territory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 13