How to remember the person's name
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
I have a good memory for faces. I would even say that it is just excellent. But there is one big "but" - I'm bad with names. That is, I see a man, I understand that I know him, or somewhere already seen exactly. Then I can remember exactly when it was and under what circumstances, but... I can not remember his name. Sometimes this leads to rather embarrassing situations when, during a conversation with a man in the head is spinning a single thought: "God, please do so, that did not need to mention his name!"
Or when you see someone for the first time, it is presented to you, and his name then disappears out of my head as if you've never heard of. And it's not only my problem. At least half of my friends can not remember the name of the new interlocutor within 5 minutes after the beginning of the meeting, although it may resolve in your mind rather complicated examples, memorizing long lists and generally keep in mind a lot of other useful (and not) information. How to avoid embarrassing situations and to start, finally, remember names right the first time? It's so nice when you remember the person with whom you spoke only once, and then only a few years ago. It creates a sense of importance and can open many doors. Psychologist Susan Krauss offers 6 tricks that help to cope with this task. But first a few words about the latest experiments.
It used to be that if we pay attention not only to face a new interlocutor, but on his hair, the shape of the ears, neck, shoulders and etc., we can better remember it, because it will be a kind of "anchor" - a girl with red hair, a guy with a mustache and so Further. But in fact, in recent experiments showed that it is more advisable, because it diverts attention.
We recently reviewed the series «The Office» (the American version) and one of the series, when Stanley was in the hospital, they argued, if he had a mustache? Most interesting is that they all worked in the same office together for about 10 years, and their opinions differed 50/50. Even we could not immediately recall if he had a mustache. But we should remember his name :) So all these additional attributes really more distracting than helpful.
Experiment №1.
English psychologist Charlie Froud and his colleagues in 2012 conducted an experiment in which participants looked at the others and memorize their names. During the experiment, they were connected to a brain scanner that reads brain activity. As a result, it became clear that if the parties to be distracted from his face and began to pay attention to the hair, ears, shoulders and the like, their attention is scattered and they are worse than remembering names and faces. The best results showed those who were not distracted by the trappings and was concentrated exclusively on his face.
№2 experiment.
In 2011, neuroscientists Iris Gordon and James Tanaka conducted their experiment in which Participants also looked at the faces and remember names at a time as they were connected to the scanner brain. The experiment found that people better remember the name of the new person, if you first hear about it, and then see it. That is the name of the one of whom we have heard, it is easier to attach to the new face and remember than when we first see the new man, and then find out his name. You can use this knowledge as a life hacking, and before you go to an important business meeting or interview stranger to you man, you just need to read about it at least a little, and then remember his name will be slightly easier.
№3 experiment.
In 2011, another experiment was conducted at the University of Tokyo, during which scientists wanted to find out exactly what helps to better remember names and faces. In the end it turned out that participants who watched during the conversation the interlocutor's eyes, remembered his name better than those that looked at the forehead, chin, ears, hair, nose, or the face as a whole. That is, if you want to keep in mind the person and the name of the new interlocutor during conversation look him in the eye.
memory tricks
And now proceed directly to the advice of Susan, who, in her opinion, should help to keep the memory fresh faces in conjunction with the names for a longer period than the talk time.
Trick №1. See the interlocutor in the eye.
Human eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, but also the key to remember his name. As I said, in an experiment carried out in Tokyo, it was found that participants who watched the interlocutor in the eye, it is better to memorize his face and name. But the trick itself is that a person's appearance can vary not only with time (maturation and aging), but rather suddenly and sharply (color and length of hair, beards presence or lack thereof, etc.), and only his eyes are always the same. Yes, over time, will add wrinkles, but it does not change them so much. And if you watch the interlocutor in the eye, you focus exclusively on them without being distracted by other trappings. You remember them and can find out in the crowd is not only the next day, but after a few years.
Trick №2. Use a deeper processing of information.
To memorize long lists advised to tie them back to something that you have to build a clear association, and not just memorize them automatically as a verse. The same works with the names. Firstly, do not forget about the eyes, and secondly, try to come up with an association that can be linked to the name. That is, you should have a bunch of "face-name association with the name." Experts from the National Geographic based on this ligament have shown impressive tricks with memory 20 at a time of names.
Trick №3. Try to find out the person's name before you see him.
This was discussed in the experiment №2, during which it became clear that if you know the person's name at first and only after that you can see his face, the name is remembered better. So try to find out the name of the person with whom you will meet, and what he does, a little in advance. And when did you first see a man, you will already know what his name was and what he was doing. Forget his name after that will not be so easy;)
Trick №4. Listen carefully when you are someone new.
Try not to be distracted when you are someone new. Because if your attention is occupied with something else, the person's name will not stay a long time in your head. Therefore, included in the conversation and listen carefully, parallel to memorize his face. If you did not catch the name of or do not remember it right the first time, do not hesitate to ask again and again - there is nothing to worry about. Much worse would be if you can not call the interlocutor on behalf of an hour later. And to secure the better to call him by name several times during the conversation.
Trick №5. Practice at home game "names a person."
Just when you watch movies, series or TV show, play a game of "person names" - remember, the name of the actor or participant in any movies or shows he has participated, etc.
Trick №6. Relax.
And do not be nervous. When you are under stress, the body begins to actively produce cortisol - a stress hormone, and the murderer of memories, including the type of memory, which is responsible for storing names. The more you worry, the more likely that person's name will fly out of your head and not soon return there. So try not to be nervous, calm down, listen carefully and watch.