Chicken in a jar, baked in the oven: recipe with photos
Miscellaneous / / December 06, 2023
In this section we talk about dishes that have been prepared in the families of our authors for a very long time.
The era of scarcity that gave birth to this recipe is long gone. I have a whole kitchen cabinet filled with a variety of baking dishes - from ceramics to cast iron, from a cocotte maker to a duck roaster. But none of them produces such tender meat! But the chicken, according to grandmother’s instructions, cooked in an ordinary glass jar for seaming, literally melts in your mouth.
The real trick is to take it out of the refrigerator on the second day, when the “own juice” turns into a delicious, dense jellied meat. You pick it out with a fork, put it on toasted toast - and quickly, quickly, into your mouth before it melts, but only slightly melts! A holiday not only for the taste buds, but also for the soul: the best childhood memories are awakened.
This is the first real, serious dish (scrambled eggs and other sandwiches don’t count), which, being damn proud of myself, I learned to cook on my own from and to: sawing - folding - putting in - taking out. I suppose they still looked after the cutting, but then there was no need to worry about the nine-year-old in the kitchen. There is no place to even burn your finger: the jar is placed in a cold oven, and removed when it has cooled down.
In general, the dish is not only extremely tasty, but also ideal for pedagogical cooking. Especially in our time, when the most difficult part - cutting up poultry - can be easily eliminated by purchasing ready-made chicken parts.