Distributed teams: theories and practices - course 4900 rub. from Open education, training 4 weeks, about 6 hours per week, Date: December 2, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 06, 2023
Role theory R.M. Belbina
St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) is the oldest university in Russia, founded in 1724. The university today is a scientific, educational and cultural center of global importance, invariably included in all international university rankings. In the QS Graduate Employability 2018 category for interaction with employers, St Petersburg University ranks 20th among 400 leading universities in the world and is the best in Russia. Currently, St. Petersburg State University implements 418 educational programs, including the most modern areas of training and specialties. A certificate of successful completion of the presented online courses gives 5 additional points for admission to master's and postgraduate programs at St. Petersburg State University.
St. Petersburg University is doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the virus: distance learning has been organized, in an emergency situation necessary, the document flow procedure has been changed, student volunteers provide assistance to university students, thousands of students from other universities are enrolled in online courses St. Petersburg State University.
St Petersburg University is the oldest university in Russia, founded in 1724. The University today is a world-class research, educational and cultural center which is always included in all international rankings of world universities. St Petersburg University was ranked 20th in QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2018 among 400 leading universities in the world and is the best in Russia. At present, St Petersburg University offers 418 academic programmes, including the most advanced areas and fields of study. The certificate of successful completion of offered online courses gives five additional points when applying for master’s and doctoral programs at St Petersburg University.
A new element of the Russian education system - open online courses - can be transferred to any university. We make this a real practice, expanding the boundaries of education for every student. A full range of courses from leading universities. We are systematically working to create courses for the basic part of all areas of training, ensuring that any university can conveniently and profitably integrate the course into its educational programs
"Open Education" is an educational platform offering massive online courses from leading Russian universities that have joined forces to provide everyone with the opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education education.
Any user can take courses from leading Russian universities completely free of charge and at any time, and students of Russian universities will be able to count their learning results at their university.
Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after. M.I. Kalinin in 1979 (Faculty of Physics and Mechanics, Department of Hydroaerodynamics).
Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 05.13.10 “Management in social and economic systems” (1997) (St. Petersburg State University)
Associate Professor at the Department of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship (2008).
Selected publications
- Zyabrikov V.V. General management: course of lectures. 2nd ed., corrected and expanded. Lecture course. St. Petersburg University. Faculty of Economics - St. Petersburg: OCEiM, 2007 - 240 p.
- Zyabrikov V.V. The concept of an intelligent organization. Problems of modern economics: Eurasian interregional analytical journal, Ch. ed. N. F. Gazizullin. LLC Research and Production Company ROST, St. Petersburg, 2007, N 3 (23). pp.196-199.
- Zyabrikova A.V., Zyabrikov V.V. Optimal trajectory of a company's life cycle. Problems of modern economics: Eurasian interregional analytical journal, Ch. ed. N. F. Gazizullin. LLC "Research and Production Company "ROST", St. Petersburg, N 4, 2014. P.123-127
- Zyabrikov V.V. Methodological foundations of the typology of national business cultures. Russia and America in the 21st century (electronic scientific journal). Ed. acad. RAS Rogov S.M. 2014, N 2. P.12-13.
- Zyabrikova A.V., Zyabrikov V.V. Development of life cycle theory based on a unified typology of business culture. Problems of modern economics: Eurasian interregional analytical journal, Ch. ed. N. F. Gazizullin. LLC "Research and Production Company "ROST", St. Petersburg, N 1, 2015. P.116-120.
- Akhvlediani Z.J., Zyabrikov V.V. A unified typology of business culture as a tool for improving company management. Russian entrepreneurship. LLC Publishing House "Creative Economy", M: Volume 17, N 14 (July 2016) P.1605-1618.
- Arenkov I.A., Zyabrikov V.V. Evolution and national features of Russian marketing management. Russian entrepreneurship. LLC Publishing House "Creative Economy", M: Volume 17, N 15 (August 2016) P.1709-1726.
- Zyabrikov V.V. Roles and functions of management. Creative economy. LLC Publishing House "Creative Economy", M: Volume 10, N 11 (November 2016). WITH. 1305-1322.
Selected international scientific conferences
1. Zyabrikov V.V. Universal typology of business cultures. International scientific conference in Varna (Bulgaria) International Jubilee Conference 60th Anniversary Department “Economics And Management Of Industry” “Industrial Business Perspectives” Varna, Bulgaria. 6-7 December, 2013.
2. Zyabrikov V.V. Roles of management at different stages of the firm's life cycle. International Economic Symposium – 2017: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Sustainable Development: Society and Economy”, April 21, 2017 Section 3 “Innovative entrepreneurial activity”. Ed. count O.L. Margania, S.A. Belozerov and others. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, Skifia-print, 2017. 676 pp. P.428. ISBN 978-5-98620-240-2.
3. Zyabrikov V.V. Global and local factors for ensuring sustainable growth of the company and development of the country. Global world: systemic shifts, challenges and contours of the future: XVII International Likhachev Scientific Readings, May 18-20, 2017 Section 3 “Economics and Law: Systemic Shifts, Challenges and Contours of the Future.” Scientific ed. A.S. Zapesotsky - St. Petersburg: SPbGUP, 2017. WITH. 480-482. ISBN 978-5-7621-0925-3
4. Zyabrikov V.V. Production roles in the system of management roles R.M. Belbina. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Current Problems of Management: productivity, efficiency, quality" St. Petersburg, November 10, 2017 - St. Petersburg, 2017: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, P.376-378. ISBN 978-5-288-05806-6
5. Zyabrikov V.V. Strategic approach to forming a management team. International scientific conference "Lomonosov Readings-2017". Section of Economic Sciences. The potential of economic science for the development of Russia: a collection of abstracts of speeches - M.: Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov, 2017 – P.276-278. ISBN 978-5-906783-66-0
Honorary titles and awards
Four times awarded the “Crystal Crane” prize based on the results of voting by students of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2016.
Position: senior lecturer at the Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological Support of Professional Activities.
In this module, we will examine how psychologists first discovered informal groups and formulated recommendations that are still relevant to this day for managing these groups. Let's consider a modern manager as a team player, his personal qualities and career stages. growth according to Jim Collins - from a talented individual worker to a leader who determines the future of the great companies.
The study of culture in this module will begin with a detailed classification of the sources of power that form the basic doctrines of management corresponding to the four elements of PEST analysis. From a historical perspective, let us consider the evolution of typologies of organizational culture. Let us analyze the algorithm for choosing a management decision-making style with an emphasis on the group method, which largely determines the principles and personal qualities of a modern leader.
In this module, in accordance with the theory of R. M. Belbin we will study methods for forming management teams, and also consider the life cycle of a management team with a gradual highlighting specific functional areas, starting with production and ending with the area of “Company Development and Training” personnel." We will analyze the author’s unique method of reorganizing the personnel of teams, taking into account the personal preferences of employees, which allows increasing labor productivity.
In this module, we will consider the concept of a self-learning organization, successfully implemented in Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Let us clearly examine why it is the basis for building a model of an intellectual organization that expands the managerial arsenal supporters of the concept of a self-learning organization through the introduction of ideas about the biological nature of the company and capitalization requirements knowledge. Let's get acquainted with the management principles of the author of the Japanese miracle Edward Deming, as well as the management principles of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
5. Typologies of national culture and the specifics of forming the culture of international distributed teams
This module examines the three most well-known typologies of national business culture today. Hofstede, R. Lewis and F. Trompenaars. Let us consider states that are close to Russia in terms of shared values among post-Soviet and other countries, and also show the correspondence sequence of formed clusters of cultures (Eastern, German and American) increasing the economic index freedom. Let us analyze a specific situation to solve the problem of improving interaction between employees of different divisions of a transnational corporation.
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The volume of the program is 276 hours. The program is aimed at developing skills in the field of selection, recruitment, development, motivation and stimulation of the organization's personnel.
Part-time study
A course for career counseling specialists, HR managers, and HR specialists who want to improve their own skills. You will receive the tools of a career consultant, the opportunity to analyze your career, and apply your knowledge and skills to real clients.
As part of this course, you will become familiar with modern personnel selection technologies, master DISC technology as a method of diagnosing and predicting personal characteristics of a candidate for a vacancy, learn to use these forecasts in the employee’s IPR during the adaptation period and develop analytical and diagnostic skills HR specialist.