Linear electrical circuits - free course from Open Education, training 10 weeks, about 10 hours per week, Date: December 2, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
ITMO University is the first non-classical university
It is very easy to become a high-class and advanced programmer, scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, choose a profession of the future at the intersection of new directions and fulfill your dream. You need to choose ITMO University.
Today, graduates of the first non-classical from the Northern capital are a new brand that creates and developed by a large team of like-minded people at ITMO University, forming a global community ITMO.FAMILY.
In 2020, ITMO University turned 120 years old (founded in 1900), and today it is one of the most fashionable, popular and sought-after universities among applicants, students, scientists and partners from all over peace.
The dynamics of the university and its continuous development are based on the Mission of ITMO University - to open opportunities for the harmonious development of a competitive personality and inspire solutions to global tasks.
The strategic goal of ITMO University is the generation of new knowledge, markets, businesses and human navigation in the world of information, ensuring a balance of physical and virtual realities.
We develop:
- Digital culture and digital ethics, developing competencies and skills necessary for living and working in the digital world; we teach how to work with big data, develop artificial intelligence technologies, recognizing their role in solving socially significant problems;
- Entrepreneurial culture and competencies to respond to uncertainty and challenges of the external environment and solve non-standard problems; we teach you to see positive experience in failures and not be afraid to take risks, going beyond template solutions, we develop creativity and entrepreneurship;
- Analytical, critical and systems thinking required to navigate the world of information and highlight what is important from many, for a critical understanding of reality and awareness of the differences in its physical and virtual manifestations.
At the center of a university there is always a person, an individual, therefore, when choosing ITMO University, applicants and their parents, students, employees, partners and friends should first of all know and share
University values:
- Respect for the individual
We value individuality, promote the harmonious development of the individual, and provide opportunities for self-realization and self-development. - Integrity
We are honest and decent towards ourselves, work, university, colleagues and students. The reputation of the university and its values trump individual gain. - Academic freedom
We are free to exchange information, make choices, develop our own ideas and determine our own actions, while being aware of high personal responsibility for the result. - Openness
We are open to new ideas, people, changes, open to dialogue and cooperation. - Love
We love what we do, we want and are ready to change the world around us for the better.
10 facts about ITMO University
- Unique scientific and educational profile: information technologies and photonics, their convergence.
- The only seven-time winner in the world of the international student team programming Olympiad ACM ICPC.
- Winner of international programming competitions Google Code Jam, Facebook Hacker Cup, Yandex. Algorithm and others.
- Alma mater of the creators of the new programming language Kotlin.
- TOP 100 best IT universities on the planet in the Times Higher Education Computer Science ranking (56th place - 2016, 76th place - 2017); TOP 400 in THE Engineering and Technology (2017).
- Winner of the UNESCO medal “For a unique environment at a university: science–education–innovation” (2016).
- The most successful debutant in THE BRICS&EE ranking: 27th place in the world and fourth among Russian universities (2016).
- A rising star of world science according to the leading international scientific journal Nature - in the Nature Index of Rising Stars (2016).
- National Research University (since 2009).
- The first non-classical university, leader of Project 5–100.
A new element of the Russian education system - open online courses - can be transferred to any university. We make this a real practice, expanding the boundaries of education for every student. A full range of courses from leading universities. We are systematically working to create courses for the basic part of all areas of training, ensuring that any university can conveniently and profitably integrate the course into its educational programs
"Open Education" is an educational platform offering massive online courses from leading Russian universities that have joined forces to provide everyone with the opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education education.
Any user can take courses from leading Russian universities completely free of charge and at any time, and students of Russian universities will be able to count their learning results at their university.
Division: Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources. General education programs, 216 ac. h.
Training. Department of Housing and Utilities. Lecturers are practicing experts; orientation to practice and use in work; obtaining calculation materials that can be immediately used in work; obtaining advice from experts.