Information Security. Technical protection of confidential information (TPKI) - course RUB 49,990. from Specialist, training 40 academic hours, date: December 2, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 05, 2023
This course was developed in accordance with the “Methodological recommendations for the development of professional retraining and advanced training programs for specialists working in the field of ensuring the security of information in key information infrastructure systems, countering foreign technical intelligence and technical protection of information” approved by FSTEC Russia on April 4, 2015, with an approximate professional retraining program “Technical protection of restricted access information that does not contain information constituting state secret”, approved by the FSTEC of Russia, and based on the requirements of the professional standards “Specialist in technical protection of information” and “Specialist in information protection in automated systems."
At the Specialist Center you will receive official training materials for the TZKI course, presentations in Russian and access to stands for laboratory work.
In accordance with the requirements specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2012. No. 79 “On licensing activities for the technical protection of confidential information”, employees of licensees It is necessary to undergo advanced training in the licensed type of activity of persons at least once every 5 years.
The goal of implementing the advanced training program is to develop competencies in the field of technical information security necessary for specialists, including government civil servants and municipal employees, to perform a new type of professional activity “Technical information protection” and in terms of technical protection of confidential information information
At the end of the course, students will undergo full training in TZKI and pass an exam to receive a certificate of advanced training 72 ac. h.
The course provides 40 contact hours for preparing for TZKI and passing the exam
You will learn:
apply in practice the requirements of regulatory legal acts, normative and methodological documents in the field of TZKI;
organize work on TZKI at informatization facilities and automated (information) systems;
develop normative, methodological and legal documents on TZKI;
manage the activities of TKI departments when solving TZKI problems;
plan and organize activities to control information security;
identify possible technical faults at informatization facilities and threats to information security in automated (information) systems;
formulate requirements for technical specifications;
formulate requirements for TKI and information security control tools;
apply TKI and information security control tools.
You will know:
regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory and methodological documents in the field of TZKI (including on protecting information from leakage through technical channels, protecting information from unauthorized access (NSD));
fundamentals of building information systems and forming comprehensive protection of limited access information resources;
types of confidential information;
compilation of a list of confidential information, basic requirements and recommendations for their protection;
the current system of certification of information security means, but information security requirements;
the basics of licensing activities on TKKI and (or) activities for the development and production of information security tools;
possible TZKI at informatization facilities and threats to information security in automated (information systems);
organizational and technical measures for TKKI and information security control;
general requirements for TKKI (including protection of information from leakage through technical channels, protection of information from NSD), norms, requirements and Recommendations for the protection of informatization objects, methods and techniques for monitoring them execution;
requirements for TKI and information security control tools;
TKKI and information security control tools;
indicators for assessing information security, methods for their calculation and analysis, methods and means of monitoring information security, including when using open radio communication channels;
the procedure for organizing the interaction of structural units on TZKI when resolving issues of TZKI, organizational and technical control in an organization or government bodies;
structure, purpose, tasks, powers, technical equipment and capabilities of structural units for technical information in an organization or government body;
fixed assets certified according to information security requirements, the procedure for equipping departments with them according to technical information;
procedure for certification of informatization objects according to information security requirements