Preparation course for the Unified State Exam 2023 in chemistry for grade 11 - free course from Foxford, training 64 lessons, date: December 4, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Cooking from scratch
The course is suitable for students with any level of knowledge: both beginners and those who have already begun to prepare.
With expert support
Manual checking of homework and samples by an Unified State Exam expert who will evaluate the work just like in the exam
We structure training in such a way as to give you a deep understanding of chemistry to pass the Unified State Exam without water and at a calm pace.
Maria will teach chemistry in a way that you won't need cramming or spurs. What is clear does not need to be taught. And during the real exam, nothing will “go out of your head”
We manually check samples and homework
We do not leave the written part assignments for self-testing - this is done by OGE experts.
We check “for real”, like in an exam, and as a result you receive detailed feedback. All this is for the sake of speed of preparation and your results.
A personal curator will answer questions within two hours, 24/7
The curators understand the program and the subject, so they can easily answer your questions about the course and homework - at any time
They know well how difficult it can be to prepare and understand your worries.
The most important task of a tutor is to help you cope with stress and fear before exams
The lesson lasts 2 academic hours. Classes are held online twice a week on Mondays and Fridays at 16.00 (Moscow time).
Unified State Exam 2020 expert. Teacher at Moscow State University and preparation courses for the Unified State Exam and the Secondary VI. Hand. projects of the OC "Sirius". Member of the organizing committee of the All-Russian Secondary School
Distance learning expert. Unified State Exam 2020 expert, teacher at the Faculty of Materials Sciences of Moscow State University, employee of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, preparing high school students for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and entrance exams exams. Member of the organizing committees of Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOS list, head of design work at the Sirius OC. Author of scientific publications and teaching materials. Research activities are supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Module 1. The structure of the atom. Structure of matter. Chemical reactions
Let's figure out how, using the Periodic Law and the Periodic System, to characterize the structure of the atom and the properties of its compounds. Let's talk about chemical reactions and their classification. Let's find out what and how influences the reaction rate and the shift in equilibrium in the system.
- Structure of electronic shells of atoms and simple ions
- Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev. Reasons and patterns of changes in the properties of elements and their compounds by periods and groups
- General characteristics of metals of the main subgroups, transition metals, non-metals, in connection with their position in the Periodic Table
- Electronegativity. Oxidation state. Valence
- Chemical bond. Crystal lattices
- Classification of reactions in inorganic chemistry
- Rate of chemical reaction
- Chemical balance
Module 2. Classes of inorganic substances
Let's consider the main classes of inorganic compounds, their general properties and methods of obtaining
- Classification and nomenclature of inorganic substances
- General properties of non-metals
- General properties of metals
- Oxides
- Acids
- Grounds. Amphoteric hydroxides
- Salts
- Genetic relationship between classes of inorganic compounds
Module 3. Theory of electrolytic dissociation. Ion exchange reactions. Redox reactions. Electrolysis
Let's discuss what happens to substances in solutions, what dissociation and hydrolysis are. Let's look at the reactions that are called ORRs and what substances are involved in them. Let's take a closer look at the electrolysis process and learn how to identify the products of this process.
- Electrolytic dissociation
- Ion exchange reactions, conditions for their occurrence. Ionic equations
- Properties of acids, bases and salts from the point of view of the theory of electrolytic dissociation
- Hydrolysis. Medium reaction (pH)
- Redox properties of substances. Typical oxidizing and reducing agents
- Redox reactions. Electronic balance method
- Redox properties of inorganic substances of various classes
- Electrolysis
Module 4. Chemistry of elements
Let's deepen our knowledge of the structure, properties and production of non-metals, metals and their compounds.
- Elements VIIA - groups (halogens)
- Elements VIA - groups (oxygen subgroup)
- Elements VA - groups (nitrogen subgroup)
- Elements IVA - groups (carbon subgroup)
- Alkali and alkaline earth metals
- Aluminum, zinc. Amphotericity
- Iron. The concept of metallurgy. Copper and silver
- Chromium, manganese
Module 5. Fundamentals of organic chemistry. Hydrocarbons
Let us examine in detail the main classes of hydrocarbons, their nomenclature, characteristic types of isomerism, properties and methods of production.
- General principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds. Nomenclature, classification of organic substances
- Isomerism and homology of hydrocarbons. Classification of reactions in organic chemistry. Mechanisms of chemical reactions in organic chemistry
- Alkanes, cycloalkanes
- Alkenes
- Redox reactions involving hydrocarbons
- Alkynes
- Alkadienes. Rubbers
- Arenas
Module 6. Oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing organic substances. Natural organic matter
Let us examine in detail the main classes of oxygen- and nitrogen-containing organic compounds, their nomenclature, characteristic types of isomerism, properties and methods of preparation. Let's talk about natural organic substances, their structure and properties.
- Nomenclature, classification, isomerism and homology of oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing organic substances. Monohydric alcohols
- Polyhydric alcohols. Ethers. Phenols
- Aldehydes and ketones
- Carboxylic acids. Esters. Fats
- Amines
- Amino acids. Squirrels
- Carbohydrates
- Redox reactions involving oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing organic substances. Relationship between classes of organic substances
Module 7. Solving calculation problems in inorganic and organic chemistry
Let's consider the main types of calculation problems in the Unified State Exam, the necessary formulas for solving them, algorithms, and design rules.
- Solving problems on chemical equilibrium. Thermal effect. chemical reactions. Gas volume ratios
- Solving problems using reaction equations. Mass fraction. Problems on impurities, product yield, excess and deficiency
- Solving complex problems. General approaches to problem solving
- Solving complex problems using the concepts of “mass fraction of a dissolved substance”, “electrolysis”. Solving problems “on a plate”
- Solving complex problems using the concepts of “crystalline hydrates”, “solubility”. Solving problems on the “ratio of the number of atoms of elements” in the composition of compounds and mixtures
- Solving complex problems of various types with a high level of complexity
- Solving problems to derive the formula of a substance using the example of hydrocarbons
- Solving problems of a high level of complexity to derive the formula of an organic substance
Module 8. Genetic relationship between classes of inorganic and organic substances. Qualitative reactions to inorganic substances. Chemistry and life
Let us summarize the basic material on inorganic and organic chemistry. We will consider in detail the most difficult tasks of part 1 of the Unified State Exam and tasks of part 2. Let's discuss the top mistakes.
- Chemical properties of inorganic compounds of various classes. General and special cases (task 7, 8)
- Genetic relationships between classes of inorganic compounds. Thought experiment
- Genetic relationship between classes of organic compounds
- Genetic relationships between classes of organic compounds. Chains of transformations
- Qualitative reactions to inorganic substances
- Qualitative reactions to organic substances
- Scientific research methods in chemistry. Methods for separating mixtures and purifying substances. Navy (plastics, rubbers, fibers)
- Chemical production. Chemical pollution of the environment. Areas of application of inorganic and organic substances