Psychosomatics. Practical methods and techniques - course 142,000 rubles. from Training environment, training 8 months (254 ac. hours), Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Duration: 8 months (254 ac. hours)
Convenient online format of live classes + the ability to watch recorded webinars
Document on education: diploma of professional retraining from the Higher School “Learning Environment”
Practice-oriented and useful
Courses and programs in psychosomatics are mainly theoretical in nature. Our program, in addition to theory, provides a comprehensive base of practice and is aimed at applying the acquired skills in life and work.
Wide angle coverage of psychosomatic science
The program will examine: the nature of psychosomatics, its formation, integration with other approaches, medical interpretation, as well as working with the basic needs of clients suffering from somatoform disorders disorders.
Program Leader
A practicing psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience, a teacher with extensive experience working with different categories of students.
"Psychosomatics. Practical methods and techniques” was compiled in collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis (MIP). The program complies with all recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard and educational standards.
For students without a psychological or medical background who enter this program, we give the opportunity to complete the introductory module in a recording, which will help make further learning more comfortable in a group with students with specialized education.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist, practicing psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience
Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist, practicing psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience, psychiatrist-narcologist, body therapist, osteopath, presenter psychotherapeutic groups for parents and teenagers at school No. 1321 “Kovcheg”, where a program of education and social integration of children with disabilities together with their healthy ones is being implemented peers
60% - theory | 40% - practice
Practical lessons
Practical classes include: techniques of body-oriented therapy, directed imagination, elements of transactional analysis, cognitive-behavioral methods; practicing techniques, working in groups, discussions, analysis of real cases, interactive sessions.
Practical lesson “Resentment and its influence on psychosomatics. How to work with resentment"
Practical lesson “Shame, guilt”
Practical lesson “Anxiety as loss of an object, separation anxiety”
Practical lesson on Transactional Analysis “The Inner Child, how to determine its presence.”
Practical lesson “Exploring your beliefs”
Practical lesson “What is my inner manipulator?”
Practical lesson “Who is at risk of emotional burnout? Do you have it?
Module 1. Introduction to the profession. Basics of psychosomatics.
Development of psychosomatics as one of the key areas of psychology.
Modern ideas about psychosomatics. Emotions and their role in psychosomatics.
Various psychological approaches in psychosomatics. History of the development of areas of psychosomatics.
Module courses:
1. Basics of psychosomatics. Biochemistry of emotions.
Development and stages of ideas about the psyche, body (soma), illness.
Modern understanding of psychosomatics using the example of possible mechanisms of women’s health disorders.
— Emotions: where they are born, how they develop, what they serve for.
— Emotions come in pairs. A. Lowen is the emotional schema of love.
— The factory of happiness is within us. Mirror neurons (I. Bauer).
2. Approaches and schools in psychosomatics (psychoanalysis, TOP, TA). History of the development of various directions.
— Psychoanalytic view on the development of psychosomatic disorders.
— Psychoanalytic view of psychosomatic disorders.
— Stages of child development according to Freud.
— A psychoanalytic view of how human consciousness is structured, how it develops, at what stages unresolved problems of consciousness are fixed (how consciousness is protected from destruction; how fixations and defenses are reflected in a person’s character; How does this relate to psychosomatics?
Object relations
— Psychosomatic symptom as a result of experiences of loss of an object.
— Character development from the point of view of object relations.
— Connection with ideas about attachment theory.
— Basic anxiety (K. Horney).
Body-oriented approach
— Character development according to the bodynamic concept of Lisbeth Marcher.
— Ego states from the point of view of the body.
- Muscle tension.
— Child development up to 7 years.
Transactional Analysis
— Eric Berne's view of the intrapsychic world of man.
— Getting to know the inner child, the wounded child, the golden child.
— What is an inner parent and an inner adult? What does this have to do with psychosomatics?
Module 2. Personality in psychosomatics and psychology
Theories of personality in psychosomatics. Addictions, beliefs, manipulations. Professional and parental burnout.
Module courses:
1. Personality in psychosomatics.
— Personality classification according to Kretschmer.
— Jung's view of personality.
— Personality profiles of Myers-Briggs.
2. Addictions and survival roles.
— Survival roles.
— Fundamentals for the emergence of psychological addictions.
— Predisposition to psychological addictions.
3. Beliefs.
Beliefs as values of the human personality.
Beliefs as limiting a person's value. A. Ellis.
4. Manipulation and boundaries.
— Methods of using psychological defenses.
- Manipulative techniques.
— Building boundaries. Including in the form of bodily sensations and awareness. Assertive behavior.
5. Professional and parental burnout.
— Parental burnout.
— Body-oriented methods of assistance and restoration of resources.
Module 3. Internal picture of the disease and social context, psychodiagnostics in psychosomatics.
Psychosomatic diseases, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, consequences of child-parent relationships, psychodiagnostics.
Module courses:
1. Illness as a consequence of cognitive maladaptive attitudes.
The picture of the disease and its coincidence with the picture of the personality, with the social roles of the individual. Roles of social interaction.
2. Stress. Psychosomatic response to stress. Post-traumatic stress disorder. Biopsychosocial approach. The meaning of the body's biological response. Tension and relaxation as a response from the body. New German medicine.
- Extreme stress. Strategies for dealing with stress.
— Psychosomatics as a result of stress.
— Stress is good and bad.
— Stages of stress. Accumulated stress.
— Reaction to stress, coping strategies.
- Emotional stuckness.
— Learned helplessness and internal conflict.
— Psychosomatics as a reflex reaction.
— Symptoms that arise at a moment of extreme stress.
3. Psychosomatics as a consequence of parent-child relationships.
4. Psychological correction for psychosomatic diseases
Psychosomatic diseases of various body systems:
— Gastrointestinal tract
- Respiratory system
- The cardiovascular system
— Leather
— Psychosomatics of excess weight
— Psychosomatics of infertility
— Psychosomatics of female diseases
— Addictions as a psychosomatic adaptation
Specifics of working with psychosomatic diseases of various body systems. What should you do, how should you live, to maintain the maximum level of health in your body?
5. Depressive disorders. Somatized depression.
Beck scale. Explanatory models of depression. Emotional burnout.
6. Anxiety disorders.
Anxiety as a personality type. Anxiety as a habit. Fears and phobias. The concept of decompensation and compensation.
7. Diagnostics in psychosomatics
Module 4. Basic practical tools for working with psychosomatic disorders.
Diagnostic methods and applied tools in the work of a psychologist.
Module courses:
Part 1. Autonomic nervous system, imbalance and self-regulation skills,
techniques for working with emotions and the body.
Part 2. The best techniques for working with yourself and others. Breathing techniques for working with emotions.
Part 3. Visualization and guided imagery techniques.
Part 4. Special states of consciousness as access to the imaginative and sensory sphere of a person.