Quince work on industrial design has become a key factor in enabling Apple reborn. It truly maniacal focus on the simplification of forms and functions in conjunction with brilliant aesthetics has become a legend. His handwriting is impossible not to know. He easily captured in each product, to which Ive had a hand, whether it's iMac, iPod, iPhone or iPad.
"In addition to creating and managing the development of industrial design Jony Ive will take over control functions in the work on the interface software. Johnny has an incredible sense of aesthetics in design and is the main driving force in the development and creation of the appearance of our products for more than ten years. The face of many of our products is the software and attracting Joni skills in this area will make the gap between us and our competitors even more. "
This is a free translation of an extract from a letter from Tim Cook, dedicated to the reorganization of responsibilities and positions at Apple.
Quince work on industrial design has become a key factor in enabling Apple reborn. It truly maniacal focus on the simplification of forms and functions in conjunction with brilliant aesthetics has become a legend. His handwriting is impossible not to know. He easily captured in each product, to which Ive had a hand, whether it's iMac, iPod, iPhone or iPad.
Now Ive take another and software. On the Internet walking picture in which Johnny in the form of a knight on a white horse coming to save users from skeuomorph so loved Forstallom.
There are more serious problems
The software is an integral part of the product on a par with his physical shape and implement the most important from the point of view of functional parts: the user interaction with the device. But we have to admit, the problem Apple does not in these pieces of leather or paper application interface. In principle, the aesthetic part of here at all is not the key. The problem is not how to look like the program, and how they work. You can immediately give a few examples of features that definitely need to be improved - or rather, a specific processing.
- Notice. The bottom line here is not what their background, and in the concept.
- What eats up the battery device (GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G / 4G, Bluetooth, screen). All these things still have not learned to be "smart", knowing when they need to be included, and when turned off, and thus still make user infinitely knock on menues smartphone.
- By the integration with iCloud desktop and file sharing between devices it is difficult to apply the term "just works."
- Many applications are literally asking to upgrade them, but others obviously require both the interface processing, and increased functionality in the interaction with the user.
- A key functionality such as dictionaries and keyboard in iOS, certainly are not the best examples of the implementation as compared to other companies designs.
- Incomprehensible for users navigate between applications and the exchange of data between applications, enabling developers to implement not often necessary and useful for the user function.
The list goes on for a long time.
Do not forget about the guideline, which were once the foundation and benchmark on the basis of which make up each element of the system and applications. Even users are reluctant to accept the application, if the mechanic was at odds with the usual for the remaining elements of the system rules. Now the creators are increasingly ignoring its own concept that turns the system into a vinaigrette.
Pull it?
There are also more abstract, but no less important issues. Whether one person can, even such a brilliant and talented, to cope with such a complex integrated system? How much does it take to achieve harmony in design software, their combination and interaction of all of this user? Is it even possible to make a system that will satisfy each of the hundreds of millions of users?
Do not forget that Ive coolest designer, but not a programmer. In order to create a functional shell, you need to understand how it works what is hidden underneath. if John knows the ins and outs of Siri, that on their basis to develop interface, user-friendly and takes into account all the features of the voice assistant?
Whether it is worth to expect from one person is able to penetrate into the essence of the problems of each of the services, tools and applications, and then successfully resolve them?
In general, even be able to solve the problem with iTunes uniformity, deeper integration of Siri in iOS and bringing the card to a usable state, users are still faced with far greater daily problems. Maybe it's time to solve the problem of unification Apple ID when using iTunes and the App Store?
It is hoped that Ive not change his principles and in such a complex operation.
"Why do we believe that the simplicity - this is good? Because when we are dealing with objects, important for us to feel that we control them. Ordering the chaos, you find a way to subdue the subject. Simplicity - is not only a visual style. This is not minimalism or the absence of disorder. To achieve simplicity, it is necessary to dig a tunnel in the depths of complexity. To be really simple, you need to get to the very depths. For example, if you are missing what some cogs, you risk to create something overly complicated and confusing. But where it is better to focus on simplicity, to know it, to understand what it is made. To get rid of a minor, it is necessary to penetrate the essence of the subject. "