How to create an archive of letters and Gmail attachments to Google Drive
Tips Work And Study / / December 19, 2019
Today we offer you useful script for selective archiving emails and Gmail attachments in Google Drive.
First we need to open This document table GoogleAnd then choose File -> Make a copy.
You will notice that in the created copy of the document is a new button Gmail Archiver.
Push the button, and the pop-up list, select the item Initialize.
You are prompted to provide a script to access mail, spreadsheets and Google documents. If paranoia rolls over, then give consent and complete the procedure.
Again, go to the new copy of the table and once again push Gmail Archiver -> Initialize.
The script will report on the successful establishment of the necessary backup for the label in the mail and folders in Google Drive.
If you go to Gmail, then there is really possible to find a new label Archive to Drive, and on Google Drive folder appears Email Archive.
In principle, this setup is completed and the script is ready to go. Select interface mail message you want to copy, and add to it a label Archive to Drive.
When all the necessary messages are marked, we go to the table and push Gmail Archiver -> Archive Gmail Messages.
Once completed, you can go to Google Drive and see where our emails in a folder with PDF files. If the letter went a file, it will be located in the same folder.