Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy - course RUB 111,402. from Study environment, training 6 months (1 semester)
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
6 months (1 semester) - 250 ac. hours
The Faculty of Psychology of the Higher School “Learning Environment” invites you to the professional online program of Additional Education “Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy”!
Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is a direction in psychotherapy and psychological counseling proposed by Albert Ellis. The method has existed and developed since 1955, is the most recognized within the Cognitive-Behavioral direction in psychology and is actively coming to Russia.
- In a comfortable distance format, under the guidance of practitioners and curators, you will study one of the most popular areas of psychotherapy.
- Master the theoretical knowledge and basic skills necessary for psychological counseling in the Rational-Emotive-Behavioral approach.
- After successful completion of training, you will receive a Diploma of Professional Retraining.
With this program, you will become a specialist in a sought-after approach and receive an education implemented jointly with the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. “Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy” complies with all recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard and educational standards.
Program "Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy":
- is based on the most modern protocols and offers only current knowledge
- allows you to study the “gold standard” of psychotherapy, the global trend of evidence-based medicine
- is aimed at increasing your demand in the market of psychological services - many clients are looking for specialists of the Cognitive-Behavioral approach
- is focused on practice and contains a large number of practical classes, where real psychological problems and cases will be examined under the supervision of leading psychologists
The program is designed for those:
- who is interested in psychology for personal and professional purposes: students, aspiring psychologists, teachers and representatives of social professions
- for whom it is important to quickly gain skills in working with clients in the Rational-Emotive-Behavioral approach
- who wants to expand their professional range as a psychologist and master counseling skills in one of the most popular areas today
For students without a psychological or medical background who enter this program, we give the opportunity to complete the introductory module in a recording, which will help make further learning more comfortable in a group with students with specialized education.
Based on the results of the program, students
- will receive the necessary professional knowledge and skills in the field of Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy
- will be able to begin to apply the REBT approach in practice: conduct initial diagnostics, agree with the client on the goals of therapy, identify and challenge irrational beliefs
- will begin to use the acquired skills for personal purposes: to regulate and restructure their own irrational beliefs and improve the quality of their life
Module 1. Introduction to the basics of REBT (46 ac. hours)
(CBT broad context. Differences from other types of therapy. History of the creation of REBT. Basic theoretical and philosophical concepts of REBT. Concepts of Rational and Irrational Beliefs and their relationship with emotional disorder.)
Introduction to Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy - 23 ac. hours
ABC model. Healthy and unhealthy emotions. Practice - 23 ac. hours
Module 2. General treatment strategies (46 ac. hours)
(Skills needed for a “good” start to therapy. Basic therapeutic strategies. Session structure (basic REBT protocol). Differences from Cognitive Therapy A. Beck, "an elegant solution" by Albert Ellis.)
Basic therapeutic strategies of CBT – 23 ac. hours
Structure of a therapeutic session (Basic REBT protocol). Practice - 23 ac. hours
Module 3. Diagnostics and ABC conceptualization (46 ac. hours)
(Conceptualization of emotions - the REBT view. Definition A (trigger topics). Identifying the Emotional, Behavioral, and Cognitive Consequences Associated with Irrational Beliefs. Assessing Irrational Beliefs)
Diagnostics in the therapeutic process. Conceptualization of emotions in Rational-Emotive-Behavioral Therapy - 23 ac. hours
Practice of ABC-conceptualization of unhealthy emotions and behavior - 23 ac. hours
Module 4. Therapeutic interventions. Disputation and formation of an effective reaction (65 ac. hours)
(Errors in REBT. Cognitive restructuring strategies. Challenging Irrational Beliefs. Formation of a new effective belief. The concept of unconditional self-acceptance. Behavioral change strategies. Therapeutic styles.)
Interventions in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive restructuring and behavioral strategies for change - 31 ac. hour
Practice. Disputation and formation of an effective reaction - 34 ac. hours
Module 5. Integrity of the therapeutic process. Beginning and end of therapy (47 ac. hours)
(Combining Cognitive, Emotive and Behavioral aspects of therapy. Hometasks. Completion of therapy)
Integrity of the therapeutic process. Beginning and end of therapy - 23 ac. hours
Supervision. Defense of an individual therapeutic case - 24 ac. hours