How to create a site-presentation?!
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Today, within the framework of the series "How to make a website"We want to present excellent service, with which you can easily create a beautiful presentation, photo gallery or even a collection of quotations. It allows you to do all this and much more quickly, conveniently and beautifully.
The main feature of service Jux - is that in the created with the help of websites products is dominated by the image and the text is only of secondary importance. This is quite different from the conventional approach, where the images are only additional materials explaining and illustrating the main text.
Immediately after registration you will be prompted to create a new project, use one of the templates. In total there are 7 different options: Quotes, Articles, Photos, Video, Slideshow, List View. Selecting one of these options, we find ourselves in a simple and user-friendly editor, which will be able to customize the look and content of the page.
Options change occurs in a small pop-up window that is divided into tabs. Here you can upload a photo, which will serve as a background for your page (a full-screen image, as noted above, and are the main feature of the service), add a title, description text and so on.
A separate tab is responsible for setting the text layout, font, size of letters. Service correctly displays Cyrillic letters, but decorative fonts in this case will not be available. It is also possible to apply special effects to text and pictures. The last tab, you can enable the display on a page of his name, the date, as well as set permissions for card sharing.
As a result, you are just a few minutes you get a spectacular site, which is at its best showcase your favorite photos, favorite recipes, motivational quotes, articles, and everything else, what you want to share with world. Any page created using Jux, has its address type https://ваше / xxxxxx, as well as the possibility of card sharing on social networks. Here, for example, might look like page with quote or one of the articles Layfhakera the service Jux. Further examples can be found in Gallery service.