Many people are constantly tormented by the question of how and when it is most advantageous to buy the next Mac. More than once I myself encountered this problem, and in this article I will try to talk about when to do a computer update, and when it is better to wait.
If it is very short, buy a Mac as soon as you need it. Understand technology obsolescence is inevitable and waiting for a new, more powerful hardware, it is possible at all to stay without a working machine.
Of course, it is best to focus on the new Intel-release cycles. Apple always releases considerably more advanced computer models after the emergence of a new generation of chips. Nevertheless, there is some kind of a clear timetable.
For example, recently it became known to postpone the release of Broadwell processors at the beginning of 2015. Therefore, the chances of reaching a 12-inch Macbook Air Retina, or something else of the kind, is extremely small. We have previously reported a slight upgrade lines macbook Air and iMac. Now, on the Macbook Pro and queues mac mini.
Still, Apple could announce a major update to all computers, but they do not appear until early next year. The situation is somewhat similar to last year's update mac Pro, Delays in delivery of which were even a few months later, after the designated date of sale.
Remembering the trend of the past years, we can say with certainty that the difference between updates "iron" was usually insignificant. Increased productivity ranged from 5% to 15%. Of course, there are exceptions, but not more often than once every 2-4 years. It is something like a series of significant changes.
It is obvious that all users want to have their new Mac remained as long as possible. Well... in that case, you should buy a computer as soon as it arrives on the market. And even in this case, it is unlikely to last more than a year.
unexpected upgrade the fear is always there, but you need to overcome it. Even if Apple chat tomorrow release a new line of computers, the difference with the previous generation would be minimal.
Summing up, I want to advise you to learn how to adjust the purchase to suit your needs, and not cycle Apple production. Be satisfied with their devices as long as they meet your needs. In principle, all these rules are valid in relation to the iPhone, iPad and iPod.
Although, if known before the next presentation is quite a month or two, and the time is suffering, it is possible to wait a little longer. Just do not forget to take into account the delay in the supply of "apple" products to Russia after the announcement and in great demand.
I wish all the good shopping.