There are many ways to deal with procrastination, various methods and books on the subject. But for those who do not want to bother, there is one simple way to overcome it. It is as simple as it is effective.
In this life there are many things that we constantly put off for some reason. It can be a tedious business, which is very boring to perform, or something so unpleasant that causes fear. In any case, this is one of the absolute cure, a sort of shock therapy for the sluggish willpower. Maybe you have already used it as a child, the main thing - never to violate its rules.
The whole essence of this magical means of laziness and fear is simple and even a few children's way:
- you appear before doing bad or terrible job;
- Count to five;
- You are doing.
I remember as a child in the winter I really did not like to wash with cold water in the morning. When, having got out from under the warm blankets, standing, typing in the palm of ice water, only helps to count to five, and then abruptly make it.
And it helps in all areas of life. After all, what is most important in unpleasant or terrible deeds? Start them. Then they cease to appear so terrible or boring.
Only it seems that change is the mountain of dishes - it was soooo long and boring. When you start, it is not so bad, and then even glad that you did everything.
In this method, and constructed five seconds. Instead much persuasion you simply shock by forcing himself to start. And all turns out.
Have you tried this method of struggle with laziness and fear?