In the version of Mac OS X 10.5, if you remember, Expose application, and how to switch between applications by pressing Command-Tab could be combined. To do this, first it was necessary to activate Expose, and then press the hotkey Command-Tab. Releasing the Command key and pressing the Tab Only, the user can view open applications in Expose mode.
In Snow Leopard operating system, all the little changed. Old familiar method also works, Expose application window can now be activated before pressing Command-Tab keys (Exposé key on the keyboard itself, however, is not designed for this purpose.). When the Command key pressed, release the Tab and use the arrows "up" and "down" switch windows in Expose mode - so a user opens launched in Expose mode application. Then you can let go and the Command key.
Further pressed key Tab and Shift-Tab - to switch between different applications (while in Expose Mode). When the user finds a box that would intensify, he presses one of the arrows to select it. (The selected window will light up in blue.) To do this, you can use your mouse or touchpad. To activate the selected application in the marked box, the user must press Return, to leave Expose mode. The selected window is on the foreground.
Another great feature of Snow Leopard - the ability to quickly view the screen using the Quick Look, when enabled Expose mode. The user must ensure that the desired window is selected (lit in blue), then he presses the gap. The selected window will increase in size - as well as with Quick Look in the Finder menu - but only in Expose mode.
Such a combined regimen may be very convenient if the user needs to open simultaneously lots of windows, and when many applications are running in the smaller windows which are not visible in the mode Expose.
Also pay attention to the fact that the open windows can be minimized not in the right side of the Dock, but directly in the application icon. This is useful when the program you want to open a lot Okoko - "board" Doc will not grow. Enable Doc such behavior can be in the system settings: System Preferences → Dock → Minimize windows into application icon.
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