TypeScript programming language - course 12,500 rub. from IBS Training Center, training 12 hours, Date November 26, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Topics covered:
1. TypeScript Basics [1 hour theory, 1 hour practice]
History and basics of the TypeScript language
Basic types in TypeScript
ES2015+ features supported in TS
ES2015 modules, import and export
Practice (setting up the environment, installing and configuring Webpack, connecting the TypeScript compiler, assembling bundle.js and connecting it to the html file)
2. We continue to study types in TypeScript [1 hour theory, 1 hour practice]
Functional types
Literal types
Union types
Working with null and undefined, working with strictNullChecks
Interfaces and Structural Types
Optional properties in interfaces
Indexed types
Classes and interface implementation
Interface expansion
Functional types using interfaces
Hybrid Interfaces
Function overloading
Practice (writing an object-oriented application, using typing, classes, interfaces, encapsulation, polymorphism)
3. Integration of TypeScript with JavaScript libraries (from npm and our own). [1 hour theory, 1 hour practice]
Declarations (type declaration)
Practice: connecting JS code
Practice: connecting external JS libraries
Practice: connecting and typing your own JS libraries
4. Advanced Classes [1 hour theory]
Private, protected and public fields
Static class fields
Static properties
Creating Class-Based Interfaces
readonly modifier
class expressions
Abstract classes
5. In-depth study of types [2 hours theory]
Type inference
Contextual type
Type Compatibility
Merging and adding interfaces (interface merge)
Intersection types
Local type definition
Strict literal assignment checking
Strict literal types and their union
Polymorphic type this
Type guards
Using typeof for type guards
Narrowing types using type guards
Type narrowing using instanceof
Nullable types
6. Decorators [1 hour theory, 1 hour practice]
Declarative Programming with Decorators
Changing Property Definitions Using Decorators
Class Extension
Meta Programming with Decorators
Restricting access to functions using decorators
Using Wrappers to Change Function Behavior
Decorators with parameters
Decorators for methods
Practice: Implementation of checking for changes in field values
Practice: Implementing and Configuring Logging Using Decorators
7. Generic types [1 hour theory]
What are generic types for?
Working with generic arrays
Using constraints with generic types
Generic classes
Generic interfaces
Implementation of generic classes with type casting to any
Implementation of generic classes with overloaded methods
Total: 8 hours of theory (67%), 4 hours of practice (33%)