TOP History courses for grades 5-9
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
History course, 5th grade (basic level)
The basis of the course is UMK A.A. Vigasina - O.S. Soroko-Tsyupa “General History (5-9)”. On the course you will get acquainted with primitiveness, the states of the Ancient East and the ancient world. The lesson plan is 95% original, based on educational literature recommended by the Ministry of Education.
History course, 8th grade (basic level)
The basis of the course is the teaching and learning complex N.M. Arsentiev “History of Russia” and A.A. Vigasin “General History. History of Modern Times". Get acquainted with the main milestones in the development of society in the 19th century, learn about outstanding people who lived at that time. The lesson plan is 95% original, based on educational literature recommended by the Ministry of Education.
History course, 7th grade (basic level)
The basis of the course is the teaching and learning complex N.M. Arsentiev “History of Russia” and V.A. Vedyushkina “General History. New time." Study the history of modern times: Great geographical discoveries, the Reformation, the formation of a centralized state in Russia. The lesson plan is 95% original, based on educational literature recommended by the Ministry of Education.
History course, 6th grade (basic level)
The basis of the course is the teaching and learning complex N.M. Arsentiev “History of Russia” and V.A. Vedyushkina “General History. Middle Ages". During the course you will learn about the relationships between different civilizations of the Middle Ages. The lesson plan is 95% original, based on educational literature recommended by the Ministry of Education.
Preparation course for the OGE in history for grade 9
Course 2022/23 academic year completed and available on record. The course examines all periods in the history of Russia from ancient times to 1914 and teaches how to solve various types of tasks in the OGE format, including working with a map. The course is suitable for students who want to prepare from scratch, work through all parts of the OGE in history and receive a good certificate, as well as those who are preparing to enter a specialized class or college.