Procurement management taking into account the current requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation: course for specialists and experts - course 47,900 rubles. from Moscow Business School, training 24 academic hours, Date: February 28, 2024.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Lawyer in the field of public procurement, member of the Guild of domestic specialists in state and municipal procurement
Day 1
Legislation on the contract system of the Russian Federation in 2023
Legislation in the field of contract system
- Contract system taking into account new legal provisions in 2023
- National regime - a system of prohibitions, restrictions and tolerances, quotas, anti-crisis measures
Participants of the contract system
- Procurement participants: requirements, documents, conditions of participation
- Participation of small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations in procurement. Special norms of legislation on procurement from SMP in 2023
Financial conditions for participation in procurement
- Financial conditions for participation in procurement
- Security measures in procurement: changes in the rules for regulating the security of applications, contracts and warranty obligations, the use of independent guarantees
Overview of supplier identification methods
- Electronic procurement - competition, auction, request for quotations
- Problem situations and practical recommendations
- Purchases from a single supplier - the grounds established in Law No. 44-FZ, small purchases in electronic form in 2023.
State, municipal contract
- Review of the conditions for preparing a draft contract
- Mandatory and essential conditions
- The procedure for concluding a contract based on competitive procurement results
Day 2
Legislation on procurement activities of certain types of legal entities - Law No. 223-FZ in 2023
- Changes in procurement legislation in 2023
- Main and significant differences between Law No. 223 and Law No. 44-FZ
- National treatment requirements in 2023, quotas, ban on purchasing foreign software
- Special purchasing conditions for customers subject to international sanctions
Workshop - case analysis “Selection of applications taking into account the requirements of the national regime”
Procurement system participants
- Procurement participants in 2023 Requirements, documents
- Participation of small businesses in procurement. Special norms of legislation on procurement from SMEs in 2023
Workshop “Participant Documentation”
Procurement methods
- Competitive and non-competitive procurement methods - features, differences, documentation
- Electronic procurement
- Purchasing from a single supplier
- Purchases from small businesses - special conditions 2023
The Procurement Regulations are the main regulator of customer procurement activities, taking into account the requirements of 2023
- Organization of procurement activities in 2023
Description of the procurement object. Terms of reference for the rules of 2023 within the framework of Laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ
- Development of technical specifications taking into account antimonopoly regulations in force in 2023 and recent practice. Review of main violations
- Rules for the preparation and requirements for the content of the Technical Specifications:
Technical regulations, GOSTs, SNiPs, SanPiNs, etc.
Trademark and country of origin of the product, the concept of “equivalent”
Typical mistakes made by customers when drawing up technical specifications for purchases
- Accounting for antimonopoly requirements
Workshop “Drawing up a description of the procurement object”
Agreement under Law No. 223-FZ
- Review of the conditions for preparing a draft agreement
- The procedure for concluding a contract based on competitive procurement results
Day 3
Procurement violations
State, municipal contract (Law No. 44-FZ) and Agreement (Law No. 223-FZ) - comparative analysis and practical situations
- Evasion from concluding a contract and agreement - consequences and penalties
- Fulfillment of obligations under a government contract - restriction on making changes, rules of Article 95 of the Law No. 44-FZ, electronic acceptance, penalties for violation of obligations, unilateral termination ok
- Fulfillment of obligations under the contract - possibilities for making changes, measures of liability for violation of obligations
- The impact of sanctions and restrictions - new anti-crisis conditions for making changes and early termination of government contracts under Law No. 44-
- Federal Law and agreements under Law No. 223-FZ in 2023
Violations in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs
- Customer liability for violations in the contract system - analysis of typical recent violations
- Appealing actions (inactions) of customers - terms, procedure, grounds
Workshop “Review of controversial situations, advice and recommendations”
Violations in the field of procurement of certain types of legal entities
- Customer liability for procurement violations - analysis of typical violations
- Appealing actions (inactions) of customers - terms, procedure, grounds
Workshop “Review of controversial situations, advice and recommendations”
Review of the main violations of procurement participants
- False information
- Characteristics do not comply with GOST
- Incomplete information
- Lack of supporting documents
- Controversial situations
Successful application in 2023. 5 main rules you need to know
- Rights, responsibilities, tasks of procurement participants, requirements for participants and their documentation, filing an electronic application as a legally significant action
- Step 1. We analyze the procurement notice, instructions for filling out the application and the draft contract/agreement - special attention to essential items
- Step 2. We make a decision on participation - registration in the Unified Information System, a special account in an authorized bank, preparation of an application
- Step 3. We draw up a declaration of conformity with the requirements
- Step 4. We attach the necessary documentation
- Step 5. Submit your application on time
- Practical recommendations - how to meet customer and legal requirements
Review of the main violations of suppliers at the stage of execution of contracts/agreements
- Failure to comply with deadlines for fulfilling obligations
- Problems with the quality of goods supplied, work results and services
- Grounds for unilateral termination of contracts
Prospects for the development of the procurement and contract system by 2023
Start February 28, 2024