Analytical chemistry. Chemical methods. Titrimetry and gravimetry - course 11,000 rubles. from Open education, training 20 weeks, about 12 hours per week, Date November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Queen" was founded in 1942. as the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (KuAI) with the aim of training engineers for the aviation industry. In 1967, KuAI was named after Academician S.P. Korolev, and in 1992, in the year of its 50th anniversary, the institute was renamed Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P.Koroleva.
Samara University trains specialists for the rocket and space, aviation, radio electronics, metallurgical, automotive, infocommunication and other industries in full-time, part-time (evening) and part-time forms of education in 202 educational programs. Upon graduation from the university, a state diploma is issued with qualifications: specialist, bachelor, master.
Full-time students liable for military service are granted a deferment from military service, and also the opportunity to take a course at the military department in training programs for officers, sergeants and soldiers stock.
The university includes:
- institutes: aviation and rocket and space technology; engines and power plants; economics and Management; computer science and cybernetics; social and humanitarian; natural science; legal; additional education;
- faculties: mechanics and mathematics; chemical; physical; biological; historical; philology and journalism; sociological; psychological; basic training and basic sciences; pre-university training;
- 88 departments;
- library with a book collection of more than 2.3 million copies. and electronic resources;
- research institutes (research institutes): acoustics of machines, aircraft structures; space instrumentation; space engineering; technology and quality issues; production innovative technologies; systems engineering; information systems; modeling and control problems; social technologies; advanced aircraft engines;
- Samara Aviation College;
- 64 research laboratories and groups;
- 56 scientific, educational and research centers;
- 6 shared use centers;
- training airfield;
- Botanical Garden;
- Center for the History of Aviation Engines named after N.D. Kuznetsov (CIAD), which is an educational, scientific and technical center included in the All-Russian Register of Museums. The world's largest collection of domestic aviation gas turbine engines is collected here, and a bank of realized engineering experience in the field of aviation gas turbine engine building has been created.
intercollegiate media center with supercomputer center;
center for receiving and processing space information; - CAM center;
- Air and Space Museum;
- sports and health complexes;
- student dormitories and hotel.
About 16,130 students from Russia, the CIS countries, Western Europe, South America, China, Southeast Asia and Africa study at Samara University.
University teaching staff: 5 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 100 academicians and corresponding members of public academies of sciences, 53 laureates of Lenin, State and other prizes, 75 people were awarded state awards, 70 honorary titles of the Russian Federation, 1345 scientific and pedagogical workers, of which 169 are professors and 494 associate professors, 242 Doctors of Science and 793 Candidates of Science.
The university has 57 practice bases at enterprises in the region and country. Among the university’s regular partners: PJSC Kuznetsov, JSC Metallist-Samara, JSC RCC Progress, JSC "ODK-Aviadvigatel", JSC "Research Institute "Ekran", JSC "SPC Gas Turbine Construction "SALYUT", JSC "Reid-Service", Airline "Volga-Dnepr" (city. Ulyanovsk), PJSC NPO "Saturn" (Ulyanovsk) Rybinsk), OJSC Samara Metallurgical Plant, etc.
A new element of the Russian education system - open online courses - can be transferred to any university. We make this a real practice, expanding the boundaries of education for every student. A full range of courses from leading universities. We are systematically working to create courses for the basic part of all areas of training, ensuring that any university can conveniently and profitably integrate the course into its educational programs
"Open Education" is an educational platform offering massive online courses from leading Russian universities that have joined forces to provide everyone with the opportunity to receive a high-quality higher education education.
Any user can take courses from leading Russian universities completely free of charge and at any time, and students of Russian universities will be able to count their learning results at their university.
The course is general education and is designed for a wide audience of students.
Department: International Educational and Scientific Biotechnology Center (28 academic hours) Advanced training programs.