Spring Boot 2.x + HATEOAS - free course from Loft School, training 1h 40m, date November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
The course will NOT teach you how to program, like any other free material on the web. It will give you a taste of modern Java development, an “advance payment”, which you will then need to work off while learning independently solve typical Java developer tasks, read logs, debug, search for solutions and choose from them the best. And, of course, coding. Beautiful, clean and correct, without big mistakes due to ignorance or inattention.
1. Spring Boot Basics 32:55
1. What is Spring-Boot. First application / Spring Initializr (10:27)
2. Spring Boot maven plugin. Conversion to WAR. Implementation details (10:00)
3. Setting up a project (05:33)
4. Project Lombok (06:55)
2. Working with DB (H2, Spring Data JPA) 20:06
5. Spring Data JPA. ApplicationRunner (08:09)
6. H2. Population and configuration (07:48)
7. Refactoring model. Spring Data JPA @Query (04:09)
3. Spring Data REST + HATEOAS 08:31
8. Spring Data REST (05:55)
9. Configuring Jackson (02:36)
4. Spring Security 20:26
10. Connection Security. Default Authentication (03:43)
11. Configuration in application code. Password Encoding (04:47)
12. User authentication from the database. AuthUser (03:24)
13. Role and GrantedAuthority (02:36)
14. Basic authorization. Json customization (05:56)
5. REST. AccountController 17:52
15. REST AccountController (05:06)
16. Error handling (03:52)
17. Adding HATEOAS to AccountController. Paging (08:54)