Correct advice on the use of business cards
Tips / / December 19, 2019
10 years ago it seemed that the pieces of cardboard - business cards, will soon disappear as a class, as all had mobile wireless interfaces (then taxied IR), and transmission of electronic cards was about was to be commonplace. But as time went on, bluetooth is about to become a high-speed, wi-fi in every phone, and all the small print and publish, distribute and distribute. But the distribution of culture, printing and design is lame.
Excellent material tips from Sergei Petrenko design business cards and the appropriateness of their use must have read every one who is interested in expanding the circle of professional acquaintances.
On the design and cultural features:
A good card - one-sided. Turnover in the European tradition made use of possible notes. And to these notes were possible, give up the lamination. I have often received laminated business cards and not just as watched them suffer their same owners - trying to write something extra such as "send a presentation." By the way - the Japanese consider an insult to try to write something on a business card, so keep in mind, if that. If you want to distribute your business cards to foreigners - type another hundred in English. Do not try to "save" by making bilateral business cards in different languages.
About flow of business cards:
Process Flow business cards can be adjusted. If you report at a seminar or conference, the last slide, specify your contacts. You can even accentuate attention to them - I usually say that even if you do not take my business card, here's my working contacts (slide hanging at least a few minutes while I answer the questions), write them down. Typically, this reduces the number of people wanting to take a business card. Do you want to give more? - simply remove the business card holders. Rapporteur for any default conference to ask more questions, and immediately after the report of the surround is very tight. You still do not answer all the questions, so more interesting to be pursued, the issue will translate into personal correspondence, is not it? So, hand questioner his card, write a detailed offer in the mail - and a minimum of 5 persons has asked business card, just because you have already given it to someone.
On the collection of a large number of business cards:
The easiest way, on the contrary, to collect business cards - make a good report on the conference and invited to send it electronically to all those who give a business card. It works perfectly, but you really want to send the report.
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