There is very little time before the New Year, which means it's time to sum up the 365 days. We could not stay away, so in the coming weeks, MacRadar will delight you with the best selection of Apple the world in 2013. And today we want to present to you the top 10 tips a year for the Mac. These are the best tips and instructions that will be useful in the Mac world for beginners, and seasoned users, enabling them to do the work with OS X productively.
OS X Mavericks is already out, but many have not been able to update to the latest version of the desktop operating system from Apple. It is for them and for those who have problems with installation - our article, how to prepare your Mac for the upgrade to the Mavericks.
To readTraditionally, Apple distributes its new version of the desktop operating system via the Mac App Store. But not all immediately ran to the Mac App Store for updates, some have decided to do otherwise, and establish a system of "from scratch". But then the question arose: how to do it? After all, for example, on your MacBook Air or Mac mini last generations no drive disc. And this is where we will need instructions on how to make a bootable USB flash drive to install OS X.
To read50 things about OS X Mavericks, which you might not know (Part 1, Part 2)
OS X Mavericks is a massive update desktop operating system from Apple. This is true, in OS X 10.9 are more than 200 new features. Integration of desktop and mobile operating systems is even closer - you will find many familiar things, famous for iOS. In addition, Apple has included in the Mavericks functions previously implemented third-party applications. We offer a walk through the most interesting innovations OS X Mavericks and learn why you should upgrade as soon as possible on it.
To readThe fact that the new OS X Apple has given us (literally!) Tags and the Finder tab, iCloud Keychain, program "Maps" and Ń–Books, finalized the "Calendar", the Safari and a bunch of other components - this has long been It is known. But if you go to "the subatomic level," and look at the little things, that few people even know - there are so many interesting ...
To readFinder - the main application OS X, it is constantly running and it can not be closed. This is a pretty powerful tool, which is both a file browser and search engine, performing a wide variety of functions. But unfortunately, few of us use all of its features, at least by 30-40%. This article provides a few simple tips to help you increase productivity with the Finder and make it much more convenient.
To readNew versions of operating systems often have a "children's sores" and OS X Mavericks is no exception. Migration Assistant can not be entirely correct to copy your files, and some apps and features will not work correctly. Similar problems are observed not at all, but some users have encountered with them. I'll talk about the most ubiquitous of them and show you how to address them.
To readNow almost everywhere we use cloud storage technology. Cloud - a fast, convenient and most importantly, always at hand. However, without physical drives us is still not enough. Hard drives and SSD-drives are used as system drives, and the usual stick is still around. Some drives are ready to work right "out of the box", while others need to be formatted; in addition, the kits come proprietary utilities, which the manufacturer recommends that you use. In this article you will learn how to prepare an external drive to work in OS X.
To readAs is known, productivity depends on the time that should be spent to perform a given task. One method that can significantly accelerate the implementation of routine operations in OS X - it's hot keys. They are a great many, in addition, Apple has provided the ability to add custom shortcuts. Therefore, you can assign a hotkey to absolutely any action that is performed through the application menu. No one will argue that the shortcuts is a cool thing. We present to you a selection of shortcuts that will make your work even more effective Mavericks.
To readHow it works in OS X are slightly different from Microsoft Windows, so users who have recently purchased the Mac, to replace the computer with OS redmondovskoy experiencing some difficulties. If the US and Europe Getting to know your people start with both PC and from a Mac, in our country and the CIS special there is no alternative. With probability of 99% the first computer experience will Windows. Retrained, as we know, it is much harder than to learn anew, but by following our simple tips, you can keep all the difficulties of the transition to a minimum.
To readAnd now everything was flat. After major changes to the design of the new iOS, desktop users are also waiting for something new. But do not wait. Perhaps in the new version we will see more changes regarding the design, but in the meantime, there is a way to make its OS X Mavericks a little closer to iOS.
To read***
We wish you a good and productive work on a Mac in the new year and we hope that these tips will help you in this!