Typically, the release of new versions of Mac OS X is surrounded by hype, and operating systems offer a host of new vozmozhnsotey users. However, Snow Leopard is characterized by the fact that it focuses on improving what already existed in previous versions. Users and said: 0 New Features. Indeed, after installing Snow Leopard on a poppy, you're unlikely to notice significant changes. However, Apple experts Was held serious work on introduction of new technologies.
The latest version of Mac OS X built-in support for Microsoft Exchange, through which those who work in the environment of Microsoft software can easily use their Mac computers at work, or simply to access their email, contacts, and calendar in the Mac, which is houses. First access to Exchange from a Mac can be obtained either by using Entourage program in Office 2008 for the Mac (with limited access to contacts, and calendar), or install Windows on a Mac using Parallels or VMware software and run the program itself Outlook. By the way, Microsoft officials said that the version of Outlook that is compatible with Snow Leopard, will be released only at the end of next year. But why wait so long? Updating the operating system on your Mac to version Snow Leopard, the user will receive access to your Exchange account. Attached Mail, enter email address and password, and then the user will be available to the letter, mark your calendar and to-do list. (It is worth remembering that all these features work only with Exchange 2007. Newest Version)
Another new technology in Snow Leopard - Grand Central Dispatch, through which developers will be able to greater ease of use in their products more processors or processor cores simultaneously. Thus, users get more powerful software to the maximum using dual-core processors today, 4-, 8- or 16-core - tomorrow.
It is impossible not to mention the OpenCL technology that allows developers to be more productive-performance graphics cards. In addition, the OS Snow Leopard to put a fat point in the transition to 64-bit mode can not be said of Windows, which users have to choose between 32-bit and 64-bit versions. In the first case, the PC can only use 3 GB of RAM, the second - may have compatibility issues with some software. Apple also made the transition to a fully 64-bit operating system, smooth and almost imperceptible to the user.
Among the interesting features - the ability for users to write Chinese ideographic signs from the touch panel on the MacBook, which the program will turn into the correct Chinese hieroglyphs.