Chess intermediate - free course from Skillbox, training, Date: November 26, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
For amateur players
Master new techniques and combinations, learn to defend difficult positions, attack and block your opponent’s pieces. Take a step towards becoming a pro.
Confident chess players
Learn to play different types of openings and endgames more competently and decisively. Improve your technique in private lessons with a grandmaster and increase your skill level.
Ukrainian chess champion in 2003 and 2008. Winner of the international chess tournament "Inautomarket-open" in 2006. Currently commentates on chess tournaments. Coach of the Turkish chess team.
Realization of material superiority in “elementary” endings
Consider the main theoretical positions in "elementary" endings. You will learn how to achieve victory when you have insufficient material superiority.
General principles of playing the endgame
Become familiar with the concepts of “centralization” in endings, “simplifying the game,” and “strength.” Master the principle of unhurried play and learn to determine the best moment to move into a profitable endgame.
Pawn endings
Learn the concepts of "opposition", "remote passed pawn" and "protected passed pawn" in a pawn endgame. Learn to use the square rule, the ladder maneuver, and play complex multi-pawn endings.
Easy-figure endings
You will learn how to profitably play endgames with knights, same-colored and opposite-colored bishops. Develop an understanding of “nobody's tendencies.” Learn to use the “one diagonal principle” to defend and realize an advantage.
Rook endings
Learn to apply the Lucena position and the “building a bridge” winning method. You will understand how to competently play endgames with two connected passed pawns.
Other types of endings
You will learn the principles of playing multi-piece, cutter and endings with extra quality. Learn to realize the “two bishop advantage” in the endgame.
Game in the opening. General principles
Learn to formulate problems and think in diagrams when playing the beginning of a game. You will understand how to recognize the opening trap and avoid it. Get recommendations for building your opening repertoire.
Open openings
Get to know the distinctive features of open openings. Learn the basic moves of the Philidor, Two Knights, Scottish, Spanish and Italian games.
Half-open openings
Learn strategic and tactical techniques when playing the Sicilian Defense. Gain basic knowledge of the Caro-Kann, Pirts-Ufimtsev, French Defense and other types of semi-open openings.
Closed openings
Consider the Queen's Gambit, the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and the Queen's Gambit Declined. You will learn the general ideas of the Nimzowitsch, Grunfeld, King's Indian and New Indian defenses. Study rare openings on the first move.
Playing in the middlegame
Understand how center types affect your game plan. Master the “principle of two weaknesses”, attack during unilateral and multilateral castlings. Study typical combinations when attacking the king and “positional” plans in the middlegame.
Features of a chess player's thinking
Get acquainted with the move selection algorithm: learn to assess the situation in a chess game, analyze candidate moves and choose the best one. Master the theory of the “calculation tree”.
Graduation project. Problems from the grandmaster
Solve original problems from the grandmaster to play various types of openings and endgames. You will practice strategically complex and non-standard connectives and endings.