“Distance courses for advanced training of applicants in mathematics at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University” - course 48,500 rubles. from MSU, training 30 weeks. (8 months), Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Preparation for the Unified State Exam and the Secondary VI.
DVI - an additional entrance test - is necessary for admission to a number of faculties of Moscow State University:
mechanics and mathematics, computer science, geology, economics, bioinformatics and bioengineering, etc.
Purpose of courses - provide highly qualified entrance preparation to those who cannot attend full-time preparatory courses so that, regardless of where they live, everyone has equal opportunities to receive education.
In distance courses you can prepare in mathematics to pass the profile version of the Unified State Exam, an additional entrance exam at Moscow State University (DVI). DVI is required for admission to the following faculties of Moscow State University:
- Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- VMC - Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
- Faculty of Geology
- Faculty of Materials Science
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Sociology (direction of management)
- Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
- Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering (direction of applied mathematics and physics)
- Higher School of Public Audit (economics major)
- Graduate School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanities? field (direction of management)
- Faculty of Public Administration (for three out of four directions)
- Graduate School of Business Moscow School of Economics
- Graduate School of Management and Innovation
Distance courses are intended for school graduates and high school students whose aspirations are aimed at admission to higher educational institutions that require a high level of knowledge both upon admission and subsequent training.
The educational material is presented in the traditional sequence and will be useful for schoolchildren who have a basic level of preparation in the subject within the framework of the school curriculum, and for those who have been engaged in in-depth study of chemistry, physics and mathematics and already have a good level preparation.
Learning process is based on the student completing the curriculum.
Much attention is paid to the analysis of typical tasks of the Unified State Exam and entrance exams of previous years.
Each topic consists of
- theoretical material that the student draws from textbooks recommended by course teachers and electronic materials provided by course teachers,
- materials on methods for solving problems,
- tests for self-control and training,
- control tests or tests.
The main emphasis in teaching is on the student’s independent work. Communication between the student and the teacher plays a decisive role in mastering course materials. It is recommended that you ask your teachers any questions that arise during the process of self-studying the materials. The ability to communicate is carried out through the distance learning software used by the courses. These are means of e-mail and publication of works via the Internet.
Tests or independent work are completed by students on time and sent to the teacher for review. The teacher evaluates the work and sends it back to the student with comments. It is recommended that the student discuss all questions that arise regarding the work with the teacher within the framework of the consultations allocated for each work being checked. The number of such consultations for one job can be no more than three, but, as practice shows, this is quite enough.
Solutions to problems of independent or test work are accepted for verification in electronic form in the form of text documents or in the form of scanned or digitally photographed images of handwritten works students.
Parents have access to their child's diary.
Subjects studied: mathematics
Duration of courses - depends on the number of modules chosen
start of classes - October 2023,
Vacations - from January 1 to January 8.
Upon completion of training, a student who has successfully completed the program by more than 75% will receive a certificate of completion of the courses.
In case of failure to complete tests or tests on time more than three times in a row without a good reason, the student is expelled from the course without refund of funds..
The student has access to educational materials until the end of the course, but his work is not checked.
To enroll in courses you must
- receive a package of documents (to receive a package of documents, send a free request to the address: [email protected]),
- fill out and sign the agreement..
- pay for training, payment is made for the entire period of training by money transfer upon registration contract by the customer before the start of training. (Please note - there are two receipts, for 15% and 85% of the total amount payment)
- send a scanned copy of the completed and signed agreement to the address: [email protected]
- send scanned copies of paid receipts to: [email protected]
- send two copies of the signed agreement with a copy of the payment receipt to the address of the Faculty of Chemistry to the course administrator at the address:
Where: 119991, GSP-1, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, building 1, building 3, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov,
To whom: to the administrator of distance courses Eremina Elena Alimovna - Upon receipt of the money and the contract by the Faculty of Chemistry, you will be sent your copy of the contract and a login with a password to access the distance learning system
- If you need access to a student's "diary" from a parent or guardian, please inform us in a letter.