“Preparatory courses in the field of “Geography” for 10th grade students (geography, mathematics, Russian language, literature)” - course 130,900 rubles. from MSU, training 34 weeks. (8.5 months), Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
At the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University since 1991. There are preparatory courses (PC) for applicants entering our faculty and other universities with a geographical and environmental profile. Since 2000 they operate in the form of a paid educational program “Preparatory courses in the field of Geography”. Directed preparation is being carried out for the additional entrance test (ADT) in geography, geographical Olympiads for schoolchildren, including University Olympiad "Lomonosov" and the Unified State Exam in subjects that are included in the list of entrance tests for the faculty (geography, specialized mathematics, Russian language).
Classes are taught by leading teachers of the Faculty of Geography and other faculties of Moscow State University.
Under normal epidemiological conditions, face-to-face courses are held on weekdays in classrooms Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University (Main building of Moscow State University) from mid-September to May, classes begin at 17:00.
It is possible to conduct some classes online according to a schedule (on the ZOOM platform or similar).
You can REGISTER for courses, ask questions and get additional information starting in May:
- from the curator of full-time courses Nina Aleksandrovna Evlanova by phone:
+7 (495)-939-47-70 (work),
+7 (968) 867-96-46 (mobile).
- by email [email protected] (in the subject line, please indicate “face-to-face PC”; please leave a contact telephone number for communication).
GROUPS begin to form in May, DOCUMENTS (see. below) will be accepted from August 22.
The goal of the program is an in-depth study of school subjects to obtain sufficient knowledge and skills to ensure successful participation in olympiads and entrance tests in geography, final exams in mathematics and Russian language. Subjects: geography (physical and economic), mathematics, Russian language. Disciplines are chosen at will!
Along with the one-year, there is a two-year form of training (for students in grades 10-11 of secondary schools) with a more in-depth study of the most complex sections of disciplines (geography, mathematics, Russian language).
To CONCLUSION OF CONTRACTS for training in preparatory courses at the Faculty of Geography, you must provide the following DOCUMENTS:
1. Application from the Customer (parent) with a mandatory indication of the disciplines that the child plans to attend. The file names indicate the class and subjects (G-geography, M-mathematics, R-Russian language), for example, “Agreement_10_class_G+M” - agreement for grade 10 in the subjects geography and mathematics)
2. one photo 3*4 or for a passport, matte
3. Completed Listener Questionnaire
4. Consent to the processing of personal data
5. Agreement with annex in 2 copies (will be posted after August 22)
PAYMENT FOR COURSES IS POSSIBLE AT THE ACCOUNT OF MATERNITY CAPITAL. TO DO THIS, IT IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE APPLICATION OPTION FROM THE CUSTOMER. Please note that in this case the contract must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Pension fund - after receiving the application and questionnaire, we will prepare an agreement and send it to you by email mail.
ACCEPTANCE OF DOCUMENTS will take place from August 22 to September 09, 2022, please contact in advance with Nina Alexandrovna by phone +7 (968) 867-96-46 (mobile) or +7 (495)-939-47-70 (slave.).
RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT will be sent to parents by email specified in the application form after the conclusion of contracts in September. If you have not received receipts, please write about it by email. email [email protected] After payment, you must provide copies of payment documents to the curator or send them by email [email protected]
Start of classes - mid-September
Form of study: Part-time (evening)
Category of students: Students of 10th and 11th grades of secondary schools
Training schedule:
Grade 10
Once a week - Wednesday, 4 hours;
Once a week - Monday, 2 hours
Russian language
Once a week - Monday, 2 hours
Grade 11
2 times a week – Monday (4 hours) and Thursday (4 hours), 8 hours
Once a week - Tuesday, 2 hours
Russian language
Once a week – Tuesday, 2 hours