TOP Short courses in mathematics
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Introduction to Data Science
Data science includes a wide range of approaches and methods for collecting, processing, analyzing and visualizing data sets of any size. A separate practically important area of this science is working with big data using new principles mathematical and computational modeling, when classical methods stop working due to their impossibility scaling. This course is designed to help the student learn the basics of the subject area through formulation and solving typical problems that a data science researcher may encounter in his or her work. To teach the student to solve such problems, the authors of the course provide the student with the necessary theoretical minimum and show how to use the tool base in practice.
Mathematics for students studying at a school with a humanitarian bias. Intensive
Trainings, seminars and certification. The program volume is 24 hours. We invite 1st and 2nd year students. You will receive the necessary amount of knowledge to master disciplines related to quantitative assessments in statistics, marketing, and logistics.
Part-time study
Linear algebra
A basic online course in linear algebra, containing all the key applications and algorithms for statistics and multivariate analysis, although not always containing detailed proofs.