Preparation for successfully passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Intensive - course RUB 31,990. from Specialist, training, Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Module 1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Task 4 (4 ac. h.)
studying the rules for passing the Unified State Exam;
typology of Unified State Examination tasks;
structure of an essay on the Unified State Exam;
assessment criteria for assignment 25;
diagnostic test;
modern spelling norms (accentological minimum).
Module 2. Vocabulary and phraseology. Task 3,5,22,24 (4 ac. h.)
main lexical categories and units;
lexical norms;
lexical and phraseological analysis;
types of USE tasks on vocabulary.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
identifying the problem of the text;
ways to formulate it.
Module 3. Morphemics. Word formation (4 ac. h.)
difficult cases of morphemic parsing;
difficult cases of word-formation parsing;
spelling of roots;
spelling of prefixes.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
identifying the problem of the text;
ways to formulate it.
Module 4. Morphology and spelling (noun, adjective) Task 6.7. (4 ac. h.)
morphology; vowels in suffixes of nouns;
spelling of complex nouns;
spelling suffixes of adjectives;
spelling compound adjectives;
formation of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
problem comment;
types of comments.
Module 5. Morphology and spelling (numeral and pronoun). Task 6.7 (4 ac. h.)
numeral as part of speech;
declension and spelling of numerals;
pronoun categories;
formation of negative and indefinite pronouns;
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
problem comment;
types of comments.
Module 6. Morphology and spelling (verb and verb forms). Task 10,11, 12 (4 ac. h.)
spelling personal endings of verbs;
formation of imperative forms of verbs;
formation of participles and gerunds;
n-nn in adjectives, participles and adverbs;
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
reflection of the author's position of the text;
formulations of the author's position.
Module 7. Morphology and spelling (adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, particles). Task 6,7,13, 14, 23 (4 ac. h.)
spelling adverbs;
spelling prepositions;
categories of conjunctions and their spelling;
not with different parts of speech;
spelling particles; particles not and neither, their meaning and use;
generalizing test task on spelling.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
a statement of one’s own attitude to the problem posed.
Module 8. Syntax and punctuation. Task 7.15, 16 (4 ac. h.)
phrase, types of syntactic connection;
simple sentence (classification of simple sentences, types of predicates, minor members of the sentence);
sentences with homogeneous members.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
argumentation of your point of view.
Module 9. Syntax and punctuation. Task 7, 16, 17 (4 ac. h.)
sentences with isolated sentence members;
difficult management cases,
compound sentences.
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
argumentation of your point of view.
Module 10. Syntax and punctuation. Task 7,18,19 (4 ac. h.)
types of complex sentences;
non-union complex sentences;
sentences with direct and indirect speech;
general test task on punctuation
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
introductory and concluding parts.
Module 11. Work with text. Analysis of linguistic means of expression. Task 1,2,20,21, 24 (4 ac. h.)
text; ways and means of connecting sentences in the text;
determining the topic of the text based on the algorithm and keywords;
analysis of linguistic means of expression (metaphor, synonyms, contextual antonyms, parcellation);
practice test (text analysis).
work on the Unified State Exam essay:
speech design.
Module 12. Preparing to write an essay. Task 25 (4 ac. h.)
familiarization with the assessment criteria for task 25;
structure of the essay based on the proposed text;
the problem of the text and ways of formulating it.
problem comment;
types of comments;
reflection of the author's position of the text;
a statement of one’s own attitude to the problem posed;
arguing your point of view;
assessment of the speech format of the essay;
introductory and final parts;
analysis of typical mistakes made in the Unified State Exam essay;
training tasks (writing an essay);
diagnostic task.